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On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 02:30:10PM +0200, Tom Vogt wrote:
> Nathan Saper wrote:
> > Even if they do (which I haven't heard of, but I could be wrong), the
> > trend right now is more corporate power, less governmental power.  As
> > I said before, we are already seeing this trend, what with
> > corporations able to circumvent countries' environmental codes and
> > whatnot.  It will only get worse.
> it is not corporations *ignoring* government powers (or "circumventing"
> them, what a nice term in light of DMCA). it is corporations using
> government as their executive branch.

And in many cases, governments are contributing to their own demise.
IE, the creation of NAFTA and WTO, both U.S. inventions, which
severely limit government powers in dealing with coporations.

> take a look at DMCA, take a look at the european proposal I have in my
> hands (gotta search that link, it's document # 9512/00) - tell me they
> were NOT written by corporate lawyers.

Of course they were.  Just about everything is.


- -- 
Nathan Saper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | http://www.well.com/user/natedog/
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