Jim Dixon wrote:
> Nevertheless, what has happened here demonstrates a basic flaw at the
> heart of the domain name system.  ICANN and many essential Internet
> resources remain subject to US jurisdiction.  ICANN itself is just a
> California corporation, so it is subject to the passing whims of the
> California legislature as well as those of Congress, the executive
> branches, and various and sundry US state and federal courts.

right. it should be icann.int instead of icann.org - while the UN has
it's seat in new york, it can at least keep a front of not being a long
arm of the US government.

incidently - all the DNS crazyness may lead to a "new regionalism". I
know for a fact that the next domains I register will be .de domains,
not .net or .org as my current ones all are. actually, I plan to operate
a (small but) worldwide business on a .de domain. primary reason: not to
get fucked over by some <censored> who decides on a windy morning that
cyberspace is a state of the USofAssholes.

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