>This was forwarded to me today but thought it might amuse y'all because
>of the similar thread. . . 
>> This story regarding the tight race in New Mexico -- which
>> sounds like it's 130 years out of date -- is from MS/NBC:
>> In a strange twist, under New Mexico law, a tied result could force
>> Bush and Gore to draw straws or play a hand of poker to settle the race.
>> State law requires that a dead-even race, "the determination as
>> to which of the candidates shall be declared to have been nominated or
>> elected shall be decided by lot."
>> In practice, the usual method for this rare event has been to play one
>> hand of five-card poker, but the parties can decide on another method.
>> "Whether they want to draw straws, play a hand of five-card stud,
>> or draw a high card, that is totally up to the participants,"
>> state elections director Denise Lamb said.
>> The last time this happened was in December 1999, when Republican
>> Jim Blanq and Democrat Lena Milligan tied at 798 votes each in a
>> local race for magistrate judge. They played one hand of poker in a
>> courthouse with dozens of people watching, and Blanq won.
>> from http://www.msnbc.com/news/487297.asp

Also, somebody on another list was ranting about the
interpretation of the results being "To-MAY-Toe vs. To-MAH-Toe",
and the obvious response was "No, Tomatina!"

A good tomato throwing fight _would_ be a pretty appropriate
way to resolve this election.    You can vote early and often...

Attack of the killer tomatoes!
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