Nov 17, 2000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Investors Spotlight
by Looknofurther * * * * * * * * * * * * (BIOV.OB)


Reports Substantive Progress On Four Platform Technologies


In a recent press release President & CEO Chris Wood 
commented, "The global anti-cancer therapy market, presently 
valued at approximately $16 billion, is poised for considerable 
further growth. We believe this market will double in the next 
4 years. This expansion will be driven by innovative new therapies 
which should dramatically improve control over the disease. 
During the past fiscal year, we made substantive progress 
developing our four platform technologies. We intend marketing 
our breast cancer drug, Modrefen, in 2001. This product will 
compete in the market-place with drugs such as Genentech's 
(NYSE:DNA - news) Herceptin but it's novel mode of action puts 
it in a specific therapeutic niche. Extensive clinical trials 
showed that Modrefen  is effective in up to 55% of patients with 
breast cancer who relapse after hormone therapy with drugs such 
as Astra Zeneca's (NYSE:AZN - news) Tamoxifen."

Dr. Wood continued, "During the next 12 months we intend to 
find a co-development partner for our anti-leukemia agent, 
Clofarabine. This drug is in Phase II clinical trials and 
early results are encouraging. This product will compete with 
Fludarabine, which is marketed in the USA by Berlex, a subsidiary 
of Schering AG (717200D) and Pentotatin which is marketed by 
Supergen (NASDAQ:SUPG - news). We continue to make substantive 
progress on our Gene Therapy platform. In the past year the 
team added a second gene to the vector and conducted successful 
pre-clinical trials. The results have confirmed the ability of 
the vector to transfer DNA to skeletal muscle and for release of 
gene product into the blood stream. In an earlier clinical trial, 
with the albumin gene attached to the vector, patients with low 
serum albumin levels due to end-stage liver disease, had serum 
levels returned to the normal range after treatment. We believe 
that these agents have considerable commercial possibilities."

Company Overview

Bioenvision is a development-stage, biopharmaceutical 
company primarily engaged in the development of products 
and technologies for the treatment of cancer. Bioenvision has 
acquired development, manufacturing and marketing rights to 
four technologies from which a range of products have been 
derived and from which additional products may be developed 
in the future. Bioenvision aims to continue developing its 
existing platform technologies, acquire additional technologies 
and products with multiple uses, and commercialize products 
for the multi-billion dollar cancer treatment market.

Bioenvision expects to begin marketing Trilostane for the 
treatment of post-menopausal breast cancer on a commercial 
scale in the United States and Europe in the second quarter 
of 2001. The product is already FDA-approved in the United States 
for another use. Bioenvision plans to apply to use the drug in 
the United States for treatment of hormone sensitive cancers, 
such as breast cancer and advanced prostrate cancer. In addition, 
three of the other products and technologies to which Bioenvision 
has acquired rights are presently being tested in clinical trials, 
and an additional eight are in the pre-clinical stage of development. Assuming the 
successful completion of clinical trials, Bioenvision anticipates that by the end of 
2002, five of Bioenvision's products 
and technologies will have received regulatory approval for 
specific disease (primarily cancer) treatment indications in the 
United States or Europe and seven will be in the final stages of 
the clinical trial process.

Bioenvision has had discussions with potential development 
partners over the past year and plan to continue to explore the 
possibilities for co-development and sub-licensing. Bioenvision 
expects to enter into a co-development agreement for at least 
one of our products within the next few months although there 
can be no assurances that any such agreement will be reached.

Bioenvision is also working on a fourth group of compounds that 
act as cytostatic agents by stopping the growth of cancer cells. 
There are at least three potential products in this category, 
one of which is set for a Phase I clinical trial in the coming 
year. These compounds are at an early stage of development but 
the Company expects these agents to fill the product pipeline 
for the future.

In March 2000, Bioenvision recieved an equity investment of 
$2 million from Bioaccelerate BVI, a Swiss-based investment 
company which enabled the Company to move ahead in its business 
plan during 2000. Bioaccelerate has an option to invest an 
additional $4 million in the Company and that investment relates 
to certain milestones in the coming 12 months.

Product Portfolio

The following is a description of Bioenvision's  current portfolio 
of technologies, products and products in development.

Product         / Disease intended   / Current stage   /Anticipated Time
                  to be treated        of Development   Until Marketed

Cancer Treatment
Modrefen        / Breast cancer      / At market       / - - - 
Abetafen        / Prostate cancer    / Phase II trials / 2 years
Clofarabine     / Leukemia, Lymphoma / Phase II trials / 18 months
Clofarabine     / Solid tumors       / Phase I trials  / 2 years
Cytostatics     / Bladder cancer     / Phase I trials  / 3 years
RA inhibitor    / Leukemia           / Pre-clinical    / 4 years
Hormone blocker / Prostate cancer    / Pre-clinical    / 4 years

Gene Therapy
Product 1       / Leukemia           / Phase I, II     / 3 years
Product 2       / Cancer support     / Phase I, II     / 3 years

Non-Cancer Applications
Trilostane      / Cushing's disease   / At market      / - - - 
Trilostane      / Alzheimer's disease / Pre-clinical   / 2 years
Clofarabine     / Transplantation     / Phase I trials / 3 years
Gene Therapy    / Vaccines, Cirrhosis, 
                  Diabetes, MS        / R & D          / 5 years

The Company was founded by Chris Wood and financed by 
Kevin Leech, who were responsible for the first two public 
biotech companies in Europe in 1987, being Medeva plc 
and ML Laboratories plc respectively.

London School of Pharmacy
University of Cardiff
National Institute of Cancer, Bari, Italy
University College, London
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Southern Research Institute, Alabama
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, New York
Imperial College, London

Bioenvision's strategy is to license and acquire products ready 
for clinical trials or at a late stage of development, and to use 
the expertise of Bioenvision's management to take the products 
through clinical trials and to commercially position the products 
for today's marketplace.

Bioenvision will establish an oncology sales force for the 
North American market while establishing a joint venture 
sales force in Europe.

This will give Bioenvision the ability to distribute products from 
Bioenvision's own pipeline as well as products from other biotech 
companies looking for a dedicated oncology distribution chain.

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