Excuse my namedropping but I met David Kahn this evening
at Newsweek's book party for Steve Levy. Kahn said he's
working on a book about Herbert Yardley, after having studied
NSA's "complete" archive on Yardley as visiting scholar, along 
with other Yardley papers at Columbia University. He said he 
has indeed found new Yardley and Black Chamber material. 
He expects the book to be ready for publication in a year or so. 

Kahn said he would not agree to a secrecy agreement at NSA
as resident scholar, the first who refused to accept the condition. 
So he was given a desk outside the classified area and did not 
have access to any classified information during his stay.

He pointed to an article on Russian Tempest operations published 
in Cryptologia not long ago. Said the Russians intensely used 
Tempest for snooping, more so than most other countries.

He asked me my name and I said Matt Blaze. He said oh the
guy on the front page of the New York Times. That's me
I said, and Matt looking on said, yeah, and I'm John Perry
Barlow. And Barlow said if you're Barlow I'm John Gilmore.
Kahn crushed his wine glass, idiots.

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