On 09/02/2016 07:01 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 06:06:24PM -0700, Razer wrote:
>> On 09/02/2016 05:51 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>>> individual sovereignty and anarchism
>> Try "individual RESPONSIBILITY to the 'collective' called humanity and
>> Anarchism" and I'll nibble. Until then it's just Feudal Nihilism by
>> different means.
> Nihilism sounds like moral relativism, not very useful.
> "Feudal nihilism" - I don't understand what that's supposed to mean.

It means you don't care what happens to the shitpile as long as you're
at the tip of the turd.

> Anyway, to the new subject: in what way is individual responsibility
> precluded by individual sovereignty or anarchy?

I'm discussing from a US POV. Donald Trump IS the perfect representation
of most Americans who believe in individual sovereignty.

Would you say he feels at all responsible for anybody but him and, as
Phil Ochs said, "A small circle of friends".

> You've brought this up before and I seem to recall saying the same thing
> then - individual sovereignty is a good thing, let's hold hands and sing
> the kumbaya praises of individual responsibility brother Rayzer!
> I can feel a dichotomy, coming on. Got the taste for it! Just can't wait
> for it! False di-cho-to-mies, coming on! <with apologies for the Aussie
> XXXX brand beer commercials>
> Now Rayzer: we recall you getting your kahnickerbokeries rather worked
> up about motorized carriages and shortly thereafter lauding the wonders
> of the DMV.
> So what does that tell us?

It tells me you're making it up. All I ever said was I want the person
who MIGHT run me over with a 2,000 pound deadly weapon to prove, at
least, the competence not to do that and have some sort of
group-recognized documentation to that effect.

If that translates to DMV luv for you, so be it, but it's an
extrapolation on your part. It's nothing I ever said nor believe.

Ps. Daddy Semi-truck-driver used to 'sign off on sonny boy's Class A
Tractor license and that was good enough for most states. There were
literally thousands of truck drivers in the US who didn't know how to
adjust tractor-trailer brakes which, until the last decade or so,  had
to be adjusted manually or... Let me put it this way if you're
mechanically minded, there a shaft going into the drum with an S-shaped
cam on it that pushes the the backs of the brake shoes out. If you don't
adjust the 'slacks' the cam spins without touching the backs of the
shoes and the brakes? They don't work!

I want truck drivers to prove they know how to adjust their brakes.

> Are you not trusting of humans to exercise individual responsibility?

In nation-states? Absolutely not.

> Or you have a basis of fear that says in an old electoral candidate's
> voice "we must ensure compliance"?
> Seriously, you sound mixed up.  Your words comes across, consistently,
> as notably nationalistic - perhaps you can speak to us as to why this is
> so?

I don't believe in national borders. You're confused.

>> Ps. "New Left" is a DISGUSTING reference to everything that was wrong
>> with the now-non-existent 'left' in the US. It was Reform towards
>> Progressive-liberalism (spellchecker also notes a correction to
>> "Oppresive-Liberalism"). A strategy and tactic-less'borging' of Radical
>> activism by people with access to the media.
>> Cf. The end result of Occupy with imperialist cunts like Dave "I support
>> "anarchists" who collaborate with the CIA for a chunk of Private
>> Property" Graeber
> Occupy was a corruption from the start - there was possibly a small
> group somewhere that was co-opted to make it look "legit grassroots" -
> but the total lack of clear and named goals, propensity to anonymity
> ("everyone's a leader" "bring your cause whatever it is and we're
> protesting it", "big business is bad, that's what we're protesting") all
> appeared entirely self defeating from the get go, nihilistic even :)
> (And I speak as someone who contributed materially to the comms team in
> the Melbourne Australia "Occupy" bullshit.)
> The appearance of "co-opt the current generation of foment and make sure
> they achieve nothing" was stark to some.
> Co-opting / spear-heading a FOG (false oppositional group) is so
> effective though since humans in general jump on bandwagons, don't think
> and lack the education to properly think or appraise more than one step
> ahead.

It had it's moments, but generally, Adbusters intended an insurrection
and they got one. Good thing it dissolved instead of the other thing
that happens to leaderless, tacticless, strategyless insurrections,
crushing by force.

Locally the prog-libs almost immediately hijacked it(local politicians
spoke at the 1st GA, which ended up using modified consensus meaning if
you disagreed you were simply voting yourself out of the decision
instead of blocking it)... but shit still happened.


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