We are proud to announce that the PC-BSD project has evolved into
TrueOS: a modern, cutting-edge distribution of FreeBSD focused on
security, simplicity, and stability for desktops, servers, and beyond!
TrueOS harnesses the best elements of PC-BSD, combines it with
security technologies from OpenBSD, and layers it on top of FreeBSD to
provide a complete system for modern machines.

TrueOS combines the convenience of a rolling release distribution with
the failsafe technology of boot environments, resulting in a system
that is both current and reliable. TrueOS now tracks FreeBSD’s
“Current” branch and merges features from select FreeBSD developer
branches to enhance support for newer hardware and technologies.
Weekly automatic updates keep your system always up-to-date, and all
updates are performed safely within system snapshots called boot
environments. The TrueOS desktop uses the modular yet feature-rich
Lumina desktop environment alongside the new SysAdm administration
suite to provide a reliable desktop experience.  SysAdm provides local
and remote management of TrueOS and FreeBSD systems using a
cross-platform graphical client compatible with Windows, Mac, and many
Linux distributions. TrueOS is preconfigured for desktop and server
installations using an intuitive graphical installer, taking the
guesswork out of setting up a new system.

Beta-quality images of TrueOS are currently available on
for users to help test in preparation for the upcoming release. These
images demonstrate the rolling-release model and will seamlessly
transition into the release version of TrueOS.

As always, we thank you for your feedback and for being dedicated
members of our community.

TrueOS Features:

Now a rolling release based on FreeBSD-CURRENT.
Weekly package/ISO updates (or more often, as necessary).
Only one package repository. Update when you’re ready and never get
left behind again.
Automatic updates can be enabled/disabled as desired.
All updates are performed in a safe manner using Boot Environments.
Updates never change your live system, as the updated system is not
activated or used until you reboot
Existing PC-BSD/FreeBSD users can use the non-destructive fresh
installation into a new boot environment on non-encrypted ZFS pools.
This mechanism preserves all user data while performing a fresh
install of the operating system and all applications. Simply re-create
any user accounts post-installation to access the data in their home
TrueOS Desktop pre-installs a pure Qt5 system based around the Lumina
desktop and SysAdm.
TrueOS Server pre-installs the SysAdm service for remote system
management, with remote access initially disabled.
A full repository of applications is available for installation through AppCafe.
TrueOS is currently in Beta status. All of the critical functionality
is complete, but we are still migrating some utilities from PC-BSD to
the new TrueOS framework.

 Differences from FreeBSD 11.0:

LibreSSL has replaced OpenSSL completely, even in the FreeBSD base.
Linux DRM 4.7 compatibility adds support for the Haswell, Broadwell,
and Skylake Intel graphics.
The entire system, including the FreeBSD base, is managed by pkg.

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