On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 06:40:49PM -0700, Razer wrote:
> On 09/05/2016 02:27 PM, juan wrote:
> > On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 12:21:09 -0700
> > "Stephen D. Williams" <s...@lig.net> wrote:
> >> Regardless of what Tim may or may not have wanted to happen in some
> >> or all cases, it doesn't say it in his signature, or in the manifesto.
> >     
> >     That is of course just crazy lies on your part. My english is
> >     far from perfect but I can understand written english
> >     reasonably well. 
> > 
> >     If you ever learn how to browse text files full of email
> >     messages, I suggest you check the list archives.
> >     
> >     It is a plain fact that May had the "collapse of government" by
> >     means of cryto means in mind. 
> I can't believe I'm typing this. I agree with Juan. There. I typed it.

Rayzer, there's one thing the TLA employees can never compete with, and
that's heart. Those who value the truth, who actually support the
empowerment of individuals and their ultimate sovereignty, we have an
untouchable advantage - we smell the bullshit, and we are targetted by

all "those agin us" (against us) can do is parrot the words and phrases
that they know are "supposed to be said at this point" ... and pick up
their pay cheque at the end of the week.

We don't have those pay cheques, and we are the target of the system and
those who control the system, so we will ALWAYS have a greater awareness
of the bullshit, and we also don't have enemies because we are paid to -
when another soul speaks truth, then for us, it is the truth that it is.

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