On 09/11/2016 11:59 PM, Nadine Earnshaw wrote:
> "True free speech demands that you allow horrible small minded idiots
> the right to say vile things in public so that all unpopular but valid
> opinions can be debated and society can grow." 
> No I don't agree with you. Sorry but you dont get to define what free
> speech is.

You don't get to redefine what free means. See
<http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/free>. I see nothing there
about limits or restrictions.

> In 18c we arent talking about what is unpopular but what is public
> vilification. There is a difference between debate and personal
> attacks.Personal attacks whether physical or verbal are not acceptable
> and are criminal in civilized society.

It is what it is. But it's not free speech if there are restrictions.

> Free speech like guns can hurt when in the wrong hands, it is not
> something that hatefull fwits can hide behind.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "oshwm" 
> To:"Nadine Earnshaw" , 
> Cc:
> Sent:Mon, 12 Sep 2016 06:15:46 +0100
> Subject:Re: Free speech - front lines in Australia -
> [perso...@bernardgaynorcom.au: Update: battle for free speech]
> The bottom line is that you DO NOT believe in freespeech but are
> trying to convince yourself and others that you do.
>  People like you who try to pass off controlled or restricted speech
> as free speech are trying to redefine the term because you are too
> afraid to accept the fact that you want to restrict others rights to
> suit your own purposes.
>  True free speech demands that you allow horrible small minded idiots
> the right to say vile things in public so that all unpopular but valid
> opinions can be debated and society can grow.
> On 12 September 2016 01:13:57 GMT+01:00, Nadine Earnshaw  wrote:  
> the bottom line is that assholes cant hide behind their vile and call
> it free speech and find protection
> im fine with finger pointing at the asshat and calling them out on
> being what they are
> i also believe in gun control and legal abortion. 
> encypt your conversations and be a dick in private with other
> dicksthis i think you have the right to.importantly that you have
> right to privacy. the right to be free, to talk openly in private
> without being monitored by others.
> this is what I think freedom of speech is.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "oshwm" 
> To:"Nadine Earnshaw" 
>       _"PUBLIC PLACE " _includes any place to which the public have access
> as of right or by invitation, whether express or implied and whether
> or not a charge is made for admission to the place
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "oshwm" 
> To:"Nadine Earnshaw" , "CypherPunks" 
> Cc:
> Sent:Thu, 08 Sep 2016 06:18:31 +0100
> Subject:Re: Free speech - front lines in Australia -
> [perso...@bernardgaynor.com.au: Update: battle for free speech]
> So, free speech is ok so long as it is only used t o say yhe things
> you find acceptable? :D
> On 8 September 2016 04:09:38 GMT+01:00, Nadine Earnshaw  wrote:
> freedom of speech does not protect hate speechand that is what 18c
> which Bernard supports being removed.
> He is free to say
> "I wouldn't let a gay person teach my children and I am not afraid to
> say it," a Twitter post from Mr Gaynor read.
> but there is a line and that is what 18c is about.
> http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/rda1975202/s18c.html
> He is free to be a dick in private. Clearly with his being dismissed
> he has trouble with what private is.
>  >>Bernard Gaynor is a controversial Australian with conservative
>  pro-family views whom some would say is ultra-conservative, to which
> I
>  would counter "that's just your post-modern moral relativism which
>  dominates the current Western public and social dialogue".
>  So, notwithstanding anyone's particular views on any particular issue
>  which Bernard Gaynor stands for and champions (at least one of which
> I
>  strongly disagree with), his stand for freedom of speech is superb,
>  courageous, persistent, and thyankfully a following has formed which
>  donates to keep him and his family afloat in the face of the legal
> fees
>  and the many personal sacrifices he has chosen to make, and some
> which
>  he has and continues to suffer at the hands of his opponents,
> including
>  the chief of the Australian Army who stepped down to an early
> retirement
>  in "moral disgrace" and knowing that he would not survive his very
>  political attack against Bernard Gaynor's personal stands as an
>  Australian Army reserve man (he sacked Bernard amongst other things).
>  So plenty to debate, but the guts of this is free speech and the long
>  standing statutory infractions against our right to freedom of
> speech,
>  and in particular as we name it for necessary but quirky reasons in
>  Australia for legal and constitutional purposes:
>  freedom to communicate on political and related matters
>  Good luck Bernard,
>  ----- Forwarded message from Bernard Gaynor -----
>  Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2016 01:07:53 +0000
>  From: Bernard Gaynor 
>  To: Zenaan Harkiss 
>  Reply-To: Bernard Gaynor 
>  Subject: Update: battle for free speech
>  View this email in your browser
> (http://us11.campaign-archive1com/?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=7eba298bf2&e=761ea41511)
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=2fa4ad34a5&e=761ea41511
>  Dear Zenaan,
>  Contents
>  * Free Speech Update (#legalupdate)
>  * Fundraising Dinner (#qoty)
>  * Please help - donate $1 per week today (#pleasehelp)
>  Since I last wrote to you on 22 August, there has been plenty of
> action
>  in the battle to speak the truth and speak it freely.
>  First of all, I must thank all those who donated to assist in this
>  battle. I incurred over $23,000 in fees last month. There is simply
> no
>  way that I could afford to wage this fight without your support. I am
>  deeply grateful and humble for that assistance.
>  Secondly, the New South Wales Supreme Court of Appeal held a
> Directions
>  Hearing on 31 August. The court room was packed and there was
> standing
>  room only. I counted at least 18 barristers and solicitors there. The
>  Commonwealth has intervened and so has the state of New South Wales.
>  This matter is attracting high levels of attention, even if the media
>  are not paying any interest (yet).
>  Importantly, the Court accepted an amendment to our summons that we
>  obtain a:
>  Declaration that sections 49ZS and 49ZT of the Anti-Discrimination
> Act
>  (NSW) 1977 are invalid in that they impair the Plaintiff's right to
>  freedom of political communication or impair his freedom of religion
>  under Constitution section 116.
>  I have been busy this week preparing submissions and other
> documentation
>  to support our case. Obviously, I will not discuss our arguments in
>  detail here and will respectfully leave them for the consideration of
>  the New South Wales Supreme Court of Appeal.
>  The matter has been set down for hearing in November. Suffice to say
>  that a victory against the Anti-Discrimination Act (NSW) 1977 will
> have
>  very serious ramifications for all other anti-discrimination laws,
>  including S18C of the Racial Discrimination Act (Cth) 1975. In other
>  words, the outcome of this case may well destroy anti-free speech
> laws
>  before the politicians in parliament ever get around to repealing
> them.
>  As such, when it comes to free speech, this battle is the number one
>  game in town. And let's all hope that it is successful. Australians
>  should not be forced to apologise for their conservative views on
> family
>  and morality. I, for one, won't.
>  Thirdly, the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal held a
>  Case Conference yesterday and decided to proceed with an additional 8
>  complaints against me from Garry Burns, even though these matters are
>  before the New South Wales Supreme Court of Appeal and even though
> the
>  Tribunal has already determined that there is no jurisdiction under
> New
>  South Wales anti-discrimination law to lodged complaints against
> people
>  in Queensland.
>  Don't ask me to explain the logic here. I can't. But the matter has
> been
>  set for another Case Conference on 14 December 2016.
>  As far as I am concerned, the Tribunal and the Anti-Discrimination
> Board
>  below it are acting far beyond their powers. However, I will deal
> with
>  that issue after the main game, which is the action in the Court of
>  Appeal.
>  I was very grateful for the support I received at a fundraising
> dinner
>  held at the Coorparoo RSL on 27 August. Robyn Sully did a tremendous
> job
>  organising it and nearly 100 people attended.
>  We are now in the early stages of planning to organise other such
>  dinners across Australia. From the feedback received, attendees found
> it
>  a very good way of understanding these matters and their importance.
>  From my perspective, it was an extremely effective way of getting
> this
>  particular story out and explaining to Australians how all of us are
>  affected by totalitarian laws that seek to target conservative
> political
>  beliefs.
>  If you are interested in attending the next dinner in Brisbane it
> will
>  be held at the Coorparoo RSL on 29 October at 6pm.
>  Please email Robyn at robynsu...@hotmail.com
>  (mailto:robynsu...@hotmail.com?subject=Fundraising%20Dinner) to book
> and
>  for further details.
>  Thank you once again to all who have assisted financially, especially
>  over the past month. We are slowly getting through all the thank you
>  emails and I would like to thank the volunteers who have been able to
>  provide support in this task.
>  Please consider small regular donations if you would like to assist:
>  Paypal:
>  * Click here
>  *
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=0a2c56463b&e=761ea41511)
>  * .
>  Family Values Action Account (used to cover legal fees):
>  * BSB: 084 134 A/c: 39 446 4501
>  Gaynor Family Support A/c (used to fund my website and the Gaynor
>  family)
>  * BSB: 084 134 A/c: 84 082 9276
>  Cheque/Money Order:
>  * PO Box 766, Park Ridge, Qld 4125
>  I am also looking for volunteers who can assist with video
> production,
>  or who live on the south side of Brisbane and who can assist with
>  administrative support. If you would like to help, please email me.
>  Finally, it was pleasing to see that over 65,000 people visited my
>  webpage in August. Australians are looking for conservative views
> that
>  are not filtered out by the politically correct media. That is why
> the
>  radical left want the anti-discrimination laws that we are fighting.
>  They want webpages like mine shut down and to deny Australians the
>  opportunity to hear from anyone willing to stand up to their Safe
>  Schools programs, their support of Islam and their attacks on our
>  Western Christian traditions.
>  Thank you once again for your support.
>  Kind regards,
>  Bernard Gaynor
>  Christ is our king!
>  **
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=5dcea56c98&e=761ea41511
> Left!
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-managecom/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=0a8fdf767c&e=761ea41511)
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>  The Australian Defence Force has a new policy on political activity:
> the Service Chiefs now have the power to allow uniformed attendance at
> political activities.
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=5a1b87c0d7&e=761ea41511
> Facebook
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=e46b4cd667&e=761ea41511)
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=7bb1d1b1e9&e=761ea41511
> Twitter
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=0ee1613ced&e=761ea41511)
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=1752c2b415&e=761ea41511
> Google Plus
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=eeb76706ff&e=761ea41511)
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=07a6ac8627&e=761ea41511
> Website
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=3387486ca5&e=761ea41511)
>  mailto:perso...@bernardgaynor.com.au Email
> (mailto:perso...@bernardgaynor.com.au)
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=a5a6609110&e=761ea41511
>  Stay tuned to all the Australian Liberty Alliance news about its
> candidates, meetings and policies.
>  ALA Website
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=1257b98283&e=761ea41511)
> http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=41560abf72&e=761ea41511
>  bernardgaynor.com.au
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=af30d68cd7&e=761ea41511)
>  only operates due to your generosity.
>  Thank you
>  ============================================================
>  Copyright © 2016 Bernard Gaynor, All rights reserved.
>  Our mailing address is:
>  Bernard Gaynor
>  PO Box 766
>  Park Ridge, Qld 4125
>  Australia
>  ** unsubscribe from this list
> (http://bernardgaynor.us11.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=7b02bf3ba1&e=761ea41511&c=7eba298bf2)
>  ** update subscription preferences
> (http://bernardgaynorus11.list-manage.com/profile?u=2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210&id=7b02bf3ba1&e=761ea41511)
>  ----- End forwarded message -----
>  -- 
>  Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. 
>  -- 
>  Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. 
>  -- 
>  Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. 
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> http://www.austliiedu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/rda1975202/s5html#person
> [2]
> http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/rda1975202/s5.html#person
> [3]
> http://wwwaustlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/rda1975202/s5.html#person

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