"@benwizner, Snowden’s attorney, says if he came back to the US “he
would be reporting for sentencing not for trial"

B/c Espionage Act has no juried trial (more) and it's unacceptable...
Demanding pardon

(Still sticking to my 'dead in a ditch a few years later' theory)

Video @CNN tweet: https://twitter.com/CarolCNN/status/776438965310070784


On 09/12/2016 09:13 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> https://yro.slashdot.org/story/16/09/12/2150235/aclu-is-launching-a-campaign-to-convince-president-obama-to-pardon-edward-snowden
> https://pardonsnowden.org/
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlSAiI3xMh4
> https://www.amnesty.org/
> https://www.hrw.org/
> https://www.aclu.org/
> The effort, which is organized by the ACLU, Amnesty International, and
> Human Rights Watch, will gather signatures from regular people and
> endorsements from celebrities. Snowden will speak by video link from
> Moscow at a press conference on Wednesday morning in New York, and an
> initial list of "prominent legal scholars, policy experts, human
> rights leaders, technologists and former government officials" in
> support of the cause will be released, according to a statement from
> the campaign. A presidential pardon would mean that Snowden could come
> home from Moscow, where he's lived for the past three years, without
> the fear of being prosecuted. He currently faces federal charges of
> violating the Espionage Act and stealing government property
> Older
> https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/pardon-edward-snowden

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