> Fwiw, for those who aren't aware... The point of trolls like this one,
> 'xorcist', and cyberpiggie et all is to stalk individuals posts on lists
> with garbage so people start to think, whenever the one being targeted
> posts, "Oh fuck that means I'm gonna see all that shit from x...@xxx.xxx
> again and wish the targeted person would stop posting and just lurk.
> Stupid... Simple... Social engineering.
> Rr

How fucking stupid. If that was my goal, I wouldn't have taken the mail
off-list to avoid shit ON-LIST. If that was my goal, I wouldn't have
specifically tried to NOT influence the list. You're so paranoid its
laughable. You're not that important, mate.

But, if your goal was to paint me in this way, you'd have done well to not
post my off-list mail to the list. Not that it really matters, its obvious
that people buy into your bullshit.

And no.. my goal isn't to stalk you. I'm just tired of seeing shit which
isn't the slightest bit relevant to crypto, or even resistance to the
state, on this list.

I remember when this list had posts from Assange and others on actual
cryptographic techniques and tools, where real information was shared. New
information and ideas.

Now its just wankers speculating, and regurgitating links from open news
sources.. and you act like you're leaking privileged information.


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