I've been toying with libgcrypt, lately. Mostly to refresh my 'C' after a
long, long love affair, turned dirty mouth-spitting fuck-fest with python.
It's been a long time since I had to do so much fucking book keeping. I
remember why I left C behind.

I'm turning over some ideas for a FUSE-based encrypted filesystem.

To start, I'm building an unencrypted system (so I can hex the block file
and make sure shit is getting stored correctly). The passphrase gets
hashed such that it is used to specify the location in the file for the
root dir entry. Different passwords get you pointed to different roots.
Files are essentially linked lists, pointing to the next block. Allocation
will be intentionally fragmented/random. Once the allocation and
filesystem primitives are debugged, and painted with robust error
checking, it will be trivial to add AES. Chaf data can be added by making
a dir/files with a random password, containing random data. Or hell, keep
the password, and
be able to delete the chaf if you needed to free up space.

I'm toying with how I might use Shamir's secret sharing scheme as well.
You'd need N-of-M images (all mountable separately and usable) but when
brought together, allow you to decrypt a root dir that you wouldn't be
able to decrypt separately.

So, from a deniability standpoint, you can choose to claim you have no
"random" chaff meant to thwart cryptanalysis. You have your encrypted dir
(which you were forth-coming with), and the other data requires a
different file, which you don't have.

Provides for some more nuanced game theory at the interrogation phase when
being coerced into giving up keys.

And usable secret sharing at an FS level is cool by itself.

As of now the plan is to have a plaintext descriptive header, and
allocation table. I can't think of any ways that an allocation table would
be useful for cryptanalysis. In the end, all it really does is let you
ignore the blocks containing 000's (wiping/secure deletion by default)..
and you'd be ignoring them anyhow..

> I've been reading the list for a few weeks and, I have to say, I am very
> disappointed. Cypherpunks used to be a group of individuals who solved
> problems, discussed solutions, and tackled the hard problems that faced
> the Internet community. There were flame wars, but they got resolved and
> the list got in with its business.
> This current shit surrounding cypher piggie is ridiculous. Who the fuck
> cares about how rude juan is or if Sea Sea or JY are the same people? It's
> stupid shit that's distracting the list from real issues that it could be
> tackling instead of spending endless time arguing with and over an obvious
> troll.
> Or maybe that's the whole point. Distraction from real work, real code,
> real idea discussion. Maybe that's the why.
> I know it won't do any good, but I appeal to the members of this list who
> are engaging in these stupid discussions to fucking stop it! Focus on what
> needs to be done, focus on ideas, focus on getting code written.
> At last, let me say I'm not jumping into the argument here at all. I'm
> sure this email will be challenged or someone will say something stupid in
> response. I won't bother responding to those. But I will engage in serious
> discussion with anyone who wishes to do so. I don't care about sea sea or
> juan or John Young or who they 'really' are. I'm here to connect with
> other REAL cypherpunks who want to get shit done. Not little boy and girl
> posers who like the idea of tangentially associating themselves with a
> movement that changed the world. 
> My public key is below should anyone wish to use it to communicate.
> D
> mQINBFfkVNcBEADFfeLnvegKe/FoKTGT/o5tBfqI0chjoKMEqdrZnqf3SSzteLDy
> ZbDJ7T9IMJzqF9T+K+KMUswiBqstZ0lxDK1138jWq3QXDXwlAfKtiHG7cTZLEgtf
> zj0v09gNoLWhsSp0wnTjgV4kdLHAdb5cCLiG+XXhhWmfU+zWfzXZJz5+isLfCQGu
> H7bPo6embdHFKsfjCGW/07911WM5VpZzrJhJ8pAyxK4nCKOVcKu5fjmOtPu2ZHXQ
> LDEWzVi+MIJpF9wa6GEcNZTF1qrKuHrlmeIemB0uMgPkf8CdLpXBDLss2WRkXKZc
> 4lsJ4yssbv5XnStmPxTeKCqLOWo5Gi6bGrqxIeCwL9zkJUwnIEgT/jirbjTLKXKl
> rjvS61xCdIVj8LDYjcLsbnq7rZKQdiypJ/R6Pb0P18bAhtYCHpUZ/RXVtZ5vmVVD
> qSFm8c1gb4nRHjrUb+GdWruWrG+onRT8PEnZncsUJdNhGT8IIOwVIfwBsoNwqEG+
> jYsm+GDIYX6Bhfmr644PVrbwkWtcxu7BduH2hVqhtjmY3UDwulgJfoPHJvQdbwT1
> 4y6ZDsrG5jE0jmt/7Na/n3QyqF3L9ifapyVXBaON6UylcqQkOC0djuGDfuRMSljr
> zQQKvtQ4Yw4G0LkufwQqgukANbjrvIChP+gmbYATiz1MpDm6mbzK6At94QARAQAB
> nVhg7hAAjvHLo7i3PBmHjvuk53NFt2shDVbN5PPao/wPYWILcO5TjdC0VtaCZFiQ
> ee0aMSnCjzuEM5vQpeUjPCkjRLJ3cCmk9xrh+y6OoEQTjohNSMpJhafSp+2+IzAG
> KTfRCfAOzs7tzlHDdx9XUMMjJF3nNAaDFySG8KCDdoOnhStMW3+wUfCeJLaIr71V
> 3zA7vJ3to1uyc4gX9Ev5bfWetB+OP/eX9jgv9fDCqAkayAjsXwmMD1CtGxklGFiv
> RGblz6kZO3TKrK+FjKodTp7OlbuwIffH79B4qH2t2n91w1mccePP8ywngJ97X/Gz
> +3bU/JAfQyLxV12FNbGs9+R5rjZg2hxYIBRFNa5mHBUDwtzRHY5xRV6r4xHlprIE
> ZRIRN+tcxvEYSuy8Tza30qEhSrAM52iS3XYGj+Si1p7EvxGUVwLYRpgEWNKS5oa+
> MyF/QwgrjcWVvW9zeRqVaMpTHY1ulGainSrK6Pou12TbxIi5mk7PcMe7ZNQOgcjK
> jodCs9h+r+Sh4h62h9BVeFqVGInMRxbwGM6lzaBVXed5wpUAQ0agmYSSodskpoJf
> Ut+fpU2igRkVrjNa1FX+1rgF7aJBTREyPzlHO2oINuFkFGXUHfB4PTNBPyrE8/K9
> 0yREZAb2CjQYvTZEQp8XUgExOvQx+qDo4HaIFcVTl2dkkeh3yOG5Ag0EV+RU1wEQ
> ANSESHhop5V+2hNKFXbk65XrBOW0rw8eSzZj3//yJOEFkcYe2/BcMR17O877NTnH
> ehMzDgACTRgxjfODoM7/0h4hziC6UIIKxUo9QcC+aToBtybhXqWfRJnUSaACgrg3
> rEqlJGPF/G6f159sdtw24n2FkHoE1wozWbSv1jar+bbGsgkkukADcY7uab2EYzS8
> FcsbXuNIPK0DbzfQnt7GAO1GtyGMbEKcIJZ+oRtDrGX23e3WN+tN6hpEs+si68tI
> B16M6o6w/z5PaKumJmVMNKtYXUEDOnpHhWvMC5oKsp4PT4C4EbsMqpxaDo21U37C
> o9YMPo3qmEZlDPaeC+4amEHKAu7PCkwPGav+eBCLFH/Xv6kyzBZABIORDujvsRfS
> NzTgcXl58aOmV02ipJD4EWWMWQwVzYjRxwkonBsR6KCSNXKmFCHxulWNf1WL6isn
> 43HF+yFMUL1UU+rZxuJs6lZuQ1fKL//CW5R1WWtgy4pYpMueDJ9/mVrXnX/arZDV
> p+or342EiqGzmIhOX/zJfcEbb+evqQcWjs4oUn+tOimb5AqlCTYdv3w2XcGFmQcE
> 8HnV4QEzlAYHMwP7DN9e6DoqL+l+oNCDLiPpRQHdH13Q+G5XOro5mepSsOBqkYzF
> aTGyJyJs4QnpViFhZN/15diCEF/+zgUyhDsyr6caxvChABEBAAGJAiUEGAECAA8F
> AlfkVNcCGwwFCQHhM4AACgkQwpB/ATwgnVh2Wg//Znrp6qV0EtITKtsh+nQ07D/C
> omtocd+8Qujq4q93tgeGot++XHE3r9tycLBC5SthzJVtHprVICQBOu3b+qN1LWt6
> kiKrlWrLmZyA5k8+2PImPyEGYiwV5shaRlUwMMrBah3yF6gmQuSNjK0u0+BzMARu
> lRJeIa3CFirrA09Jfk7zb3Ys8FXAzP5Oz0XZqpZKOZDML8XyLo6tQLC8ENXuQE6D
> 1jrmN781LIDXaz7PppAoSjqn/QV4tfHWdHCsq/4sQD/kPBznOal0P5ahvSEffRH+
> ru0Kc6ozKw8cMG9h4W/HI3jSTCSy9EzzINdT9DRpe1c9VlM5ihlZdFq7PhsPAyGf
> 72FGud4R2JfaeUsEiwE+IWQHW79vdUrDypSlDdQsbhuJMup8Xu+XeBFJtyq+I5Dd
> Wq29WSxsRwFXyoDnhhVMNfI8OcIx9kMU3Px8EYJKUN2/NbWD/yWL5/JZBjc590cl
> nnyWDmx6rkLVOBLZgNM52zi+f0ormmMBHfK8PkCDY+cWLYQqS5SEpVK1wHOdrFUQ
> z3OnCLzefSLosQchnLzkycT/AVZxoFTFYI0dgfG9O2m0hDHQRYCuZ/5kb+VHHbcs
> X4z8OBIC0yz1d0bQSEEjbnL5kCEfyGL0OaigMwrfL3pYJ/Yb9gVjjwlK5ie95nH9
> IIVufvT+PqfMzsaPvfg=
> =gVFm
> D

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