> On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 03:24:06 -0000
>       I'm really fed up with you now =)

Does this mean we're breaking up?

>> Oh, I disagree. You're at a computer, so you're sitting. And you most
>> certainly are a baby.
>       Ha ha ha. So funny.

I thought so too. I notice that you clipped the part about 7+10=5.

There might be hope for you after all, assuming you understood it.

>> I doubt that.
>       Wait and see.

So we are breaking up?!

>       And you are the kind of retard who reply to 'nothing' =)

Of course! It's a high point of meditative experience, in fact, to focus
on nothingness for extended periods of time.

Rumor has it only the deeply enlightened can manage it.

>       Right. You are pretty much an inconsistent retard. So why would
>       your actions be consistent.

Why thank you, but this is too much praise. I do try, however. At any
rate, thank you. I'm certain a little hobgoblin like you has never read
'Self-Reliance' by Emerson, so you won't understand why its a compliment.
But that is ok. That makes it genuine, and so is even better.

But Emerson was by no means alone.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed
ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

>       So this is it xorcist.

Stop, you're going to make me blush.

This is a bunch of stuff that happened as I tapped on weird little chiclet
keys. Then, by some process of transmorgrification, an electric heart beat
pounded out into the airwaves, and was sucked into a byzantine complex of
copper conduit. It was compressed, quickened, and reflected off this
surface and that, getting lassoed by loops of magnetic hystersis on
whirling platters and setting off sparks in glowing crystals. Whereupon it
set off a chain reaction; spilling rays of light on the eye of another,
wandering through a labyrinth of nerves and neurons, colliding with
concepts and finally as it came to rest, adding just the right amount of
energy inside the brain of an oddly shaped, glorified chimpanzee, to cause
similarly shaped chiclet keys to be tapped in response.

While I have been told I'm magical, I'm no where near as magical as all that.

But again, thanks for the praise.

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