On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 02:14:12PM -0000, xorc...@sigaint.org wrote:
> > Since you say in one breath you are not a moral relativist, and in the
> > next you say "I try to leave moralizing,  ideology, and even my own
> > opinion, out of it", you either cannot hold a consistent thought, or you
> > speak with such contortions you betray a deep compromise within
> > yourself.
> I cannot imagine how terrible it must be, to hold any type of concept, and
> feel the need to force it on others, as you routinely do.

Feeling oppressed today ?  Free speech giving you the shivers lately ?

> I suspect that is why you feel that by me simply stating my opinion,
> that you asked for, that you feel that I'm trying to force it on you.

And I thank you "xorcist" for providing such a plethora of details -
it's far more than most bother with. A real exploration of your, mind.

I asked if you're a moral relativist. You said no. Then you proceeded to
describe in rather amazing detail and clarity, how you're a moral

I applaud your honesty in the details. I really do, and I'll thank you
again - honesty is (I believe) our only hope to any possibility of
reaching a meeting of minds or anything anyone might consider "progress"
in the conversation..

But I find myself rather perplexed - to me you exhibit a strange
contradiction between "I'm not a moral relativist" and "having a moral
position is just a deranged ideology".

You are entirely welcome to your brain fart and ordinarily I would hope
that you were -not- assuming I'm forcing this brain fart down your
throat, but in this case any hope on my part seems ... I dunno,

> Just because I don't moralize, or focus on ideology, doesn't mean I don't
> have beliefs in those areas. I just tend to keep that shit to myself.
> Until twats ask.
> It just means I don't feel the need to force them down people's throats,
> or, especially, to insult them, for having them. I insult twats for how
> they act, not what a twat believes.
> You asked for my opinion on such philosophical notions, so I gave it. If
> you were intellectually honest, you wouldn't try to claim that I'm forcing
> this stuff down your throat.

Oh well, if that's what I did I apologize. I actually appreciate your
exercise of free speech - the possibility of a meeting of minds is worth
it, even if we do have a little fun along the way ;)

> Don't want to hear it? I don't want to type it. Stop fucking asking, then.

Seriously, you did well in bringing your genuine philosophical
viewpoint(s). When I say thanks, I'm serious. I do witness your genuine
effort, and I appreciate that.

I find you to display contradictions in the words you chose to use. I
tried to point that out. It might have been a bit rough on my part so
perhaps you can pick up the pieces for another day - you know, all's
well in love and a vigorous conversation or some such?

I understand why the NSA would have offered you a job. They require a
certain bland moral relativism in those who build the tools of
subterfuge and global spying. I'm sure they don't want any morally
repugnant Snowdens working for them now... bloody betas scraping the
barrell of life for a few straws of justice or something - horrible,
simply horrible stuff!

> > I bow low, Massa!
> Because, it would seem, you have the pathological need to do so. I told
> juan to 'stand up' .. because I believe he can. I would tell you to rest
> in the dirt, like the worm you portray yourself to be, but that I wouldn't
> wish your presence on the worms.

If they're moral relativists, neither would I!

> And I loved the bit about me working for the state, mate.. fucking
> brilliant. People that know me in RL would literally LOL at that.
> True story: when between jobs once, I got approached by a recruiter, for a
> major defense contractor. I went through the long interview process, was
> offered the job, and then riffed on the scene from Good Will Hunting when
> he turns down the NSA. Almost 4 months worth of BS with these guys,
> grueling interviews and the expense (while unemployed) to travel to meet
> them.. for one reason: my own personal satisfaction to see the stunned
> look on their twat faces.

Cool. Thanks for sharing.

> If believing those that disagree with you to be state agents makes you
> feel real important, go right ahead.

Well, the job offer fits your profile... if I were a sociopath, I'd
offer you a job too if your CV fit, although not after hearing your
spent 4 months just to turn my fellow sociopaths down.

> But, it is just another delusion. This one, married to an imbecile.

Come now, twas just a little question on my part - are you a moral
relativist. Your words in response were rather contradictory and we had
a little fun pointing that out.

It wasn't all that bad now, was it?

Listen, I'll give you a free lesson - from a superior one at that too,
so worth double: learn to laugh at yourself. Life goes easier. Since I'm
perfect, I don't get that opportunity, so you have the opportunity to
enjoy that. You should feel sad for me.

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