> It's a counterpoint to all the technocratic libertarian bullshit that
> appears here. as if that republican crap somehow 'punk'.
> This society is sick and perverse and needs to be put out of it's misery
> like a rat dog that just bit some gentrified whore's kid.

While I do understand the frustration and anger to our current society and
situation, I would encourage you to think a bit about what society would
actually turn into upon its collapse. Invariably that comes at huge price,
generally involving bloodshed, and resource shortages, and when things get
really fucked, regional warlords, rape, pillaging, etc. Societal collapse
is never a good thing for the people that have live through it. The USSR
handled the transition about as well as can be expected, and organized
crime took over a great part of their national wealth nearly overnight.

As sick as this society is (and I do agree on that), bloodshed is
relatively at a minimum, and resources are plentiful. Hell, even the
homeless can be overweight and have ipods and shit. There are egregious
acts of systemic violence, naturally - and I won't condone a single
example of it - but I will note that oppression of blacks by police is
certainly less today than it was in the 60s. And everyone is better off
than we would have been under nearly any monarch that ever lived.

My point, in as much as I have one, is that on the whole -- while human
societies are deeply ill, with a long enough view of history it seems as
if we are ever so slowly healing. I do understand that this isn't fast
enough for you. I do understand that you deeply yearn for a just society.
But there just isn't anything that can be done to heal instantly. It's not
the way healing .. growth .. works at any scale.

But try to keep in mind, when you yearn for its collapse, you might well
be wishing for your sister, mother, or other innocents to be raped, or
killed. You might well be wishing for a situation where kids need to whore
themselves to help scrape up some food for their families. And YES that
happens now. But we need not wish more of it on ourselves.

Just a thought. And honestly, some days I think "fuck it all" too so, I
get it, I really do. But I try to keep the other stuff in mind too. YMMV.

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