On Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 05:14:52PM -0300, juan wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Oct 2016 20:00:56 -0000
> xorc...@sigaint.org wrote:
> > >
> > >   xorcist's bottom line : society is great after all and don't
> > >   rock the boat or the terrists will get you!
> > 
> > 
> > Yup. That is clearly what I said. And any other the people on this
> > list who shares your reading difficulties 
>       Yes, piece-of-shit - That's clearly what you said, and like the
>       'good '(pretty mediocre)  scam artist you are, you prefaced it
>       with "I agree with you, but...".

Sadly, the mental rigour required for precise communication and clear
thinking is not for many.

One of the problems of the dumned down population intentionally created
with the 'modern' 'western' schooling system, which was in fact largely
transplanted in toto from India by Germany, then the rest of the west
(John Taylor Gatto lays it out with historical facts, an insight from a
rebel teacher who ultimately failed to cope with the western schooling
system (himself) and an enjoyable read to boot...)

Fortunately, throwing in gutter phrases which the average schooled
Westernite predictably reacts to (like "shit-for-brains"), is one way to
weed out, relatively quickly, those who care more for entertainment than


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