> On Oct 14, 2016, at 9:57 PM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 21:31:04 -0400
> John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:
>>> On Oct 14, 2016, at 9:13 PM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>     global warming is a hoax. Then again, try telling a
>>>     jew-kristian that kristianity is a hoax…
>> Man, I’m not going to debate climate change with you, its a fucking 
>> stupid waste of time. If you honestly don’t believe in science that’s 
>> a problem you need to solve on your own. You’ll get there, give it
>> some time.
>       The thing is, I, unlike you, do know what science means. And
>       yes, I wouldn't bother discussing your enviro propaganda with
>       you either. 

And I’m the intellectually dishonest one?  Fucking hilarious.

>> In other words - you don’t know the first thing about the technical
>> aspects of it, so its of no interest to you. 
>       I have a general idea of the technical aspects, that's exaclty
>       why I know they are irrelevant bullshit. Oh yes, useless talk
>       about how your semi-flawed crypto an OSes run on fully
>       compromised, americunt hardware. Impressive. 
>       But of course, you did get my point already, you just ignore it
>       because you cannot counter it. 

Its technical discussion that doesn’t interest you, so you call it "useless
talk". I think we are agreed on this - you are bored by purely technical 
discussions.  This doesn’t make the crypto list inherently flawed. It’s
just not for YOU, which is appropriate, since you likely can’t follow 
the discussions anyway.

>>>     Well, since any 'american' forum, including this one, is
>>> usually 100% 'american' propaganda, russian propaganda at least
>>> brings some variety to the table.
>> It’s hardly a variety. The shit makes up 90% of the posts. It’s a big
>> fucking circle jerk between Zen, Alex and, to a lesser degree,
>> yourself.
>       Well, at this point I wouldn't expect anythin sensible from
>       you.
>       So feel free to link A SINGLE instance of my pro-russian
>       propganda, fucktard. Or even circle-jerking. I've made more
>       than one nasty remark on stuff Zen posts.
>       Also, I made my position on russia clear when I said that
>       I consider russia to be fully 'western' and as such...just
>       another cesspool. I can quote myself if you want me to…

My apologies on this one. I have seen Zen and Alex give you props
only about a fucking million times, but apparently its not a two way
street. You don’t actively support the fucking torrent of Russian bullshit,
but you mostly don’t say shit about it either. So consider yourself out of 
the circle jerk if that makes you feel better. 

And, no, don’t bother to quote yourself…. your inane, vicious, vulgar 
bullshit is generally not worth repeating.


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