On Wed, 19 Oct 2016 08:15:58 -0700
Razer <ray...@riseup.net> wrote:

> It doesn't matter a fucking ┌∩┐ bit if it was 2 million Jews or 6
> Million or 10... or 5,999,999. What matters is "Holocaust Denier
> Baiting" is being used as a diversion from the FACT the genocide
> continues today against other people on the planet. A LOT of other
> people.

        Right. But not repeating word by word the exact propaganda
        figures of the anglo-americans and the zionists is a mortal sin.
        A lot of people were killed in the two world wars including of
        course jews and the numbers are always going to be manipulated.

> That CURRENT GENOCIDE is being committed mostly by the countries who
> disenfranchise and criminalize so-called 'deniers' and "the ad hom
> "Holocaust Denier!" is parroted by people globally who are ABSOLUTELY
> FINE with that ongoing current slaughter.

        Hardly surprising. The 'judeo' christian anglo americans and
        other western imperialists keep harping on one particular
        atrocity (which by the way they didn't lift a finger to
        prevent) as a means to divert attention from all the other
        atroticites they daily commit.

        As you note below.

> Here's a corollary to "People who don't learn from the past are
> condemned to repeat it"
> People who are STUCK IN THE PAST are the people who WILLINGLY REPEAT
> IT.
> Fuck "Israel" ┌∩┐. Fuck Zionism ┌∩┐. Fuck ┌∩┐┌∩┐┌∩┐ every government
> and person on earth who'd use MY DEAD RELATIVES to hide their own
> participation in genocide occurring now.
> Use your OWN fucking ┌∩┐ holocausts as example and stop using MY
> relatives for YOUR HYPOCRITICAL Public Relations "Holier than thou"
> purposes, scumbuckets.

> Rr

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