On Nov 5, 2016 8:11 AM, "John Newman" <j...@synfin.org> wrote:
> And I still invite the "cesspool" comparison. This list has become a
fucking cesspool, aided and abetted by you and your comrades.

Few days ago, I felt really bad, horrible when received a private message
of a sweet woman, telling me how much she would like to answer to some
messages, to interact and to share informations and her opinion about
interesting subjects, but she feels so afraid of being attacked, of
disgusting aggressive answers, of being harassed that she always prefers to
keep the silence.  :(

** We are losing good informations, technical and personal opinions of good
people, good professionals, because this list is _not_ healthy, is too
aggressive. **

I really do not care so much about what happened/is happening to me, but it
scared a lot of more sensitive persons here.  The cyberbullying was/is
being more violent and repetitive, with rape menaces, subscriptions in
disgusting dating sites, stupid spam messages, etc, etc, *because I am a
woman*.  It was very evident and disgusting, very coward.

I was described as _lesbian_ hot Japanese slut in one of the dating sites,
and _bisexual_ hot Latin woman in another one.  Hey, wasn't I a pervert,
almost killing myself because of _male_ musky laps few days ago?  Haha!!  I
really love musky smells, but not enough to kill me for them, haha!!  ;)

Also received  (and I am still receiving)  hundreds of spam messages asking
me to subscribe in 'dating sites'.  Some of them were involuntarily funny
like "Latin Women Searching For American Husbands" or "Senior Dating", what
explains all the "geriatric diapers" spam received.  ;)

It's annoying, disgusting, gross.  The intention was to humiliate and to
hurt me.  It is _not_ healthy to see so much hate, but it is _not_ mine.
Obviously only sick bad people do this kind of thing.  Aff...  :P

A wise friend always say, "The path to inner peace begins with just four
words: "Not my f*¢king problem!", and he is correct.  So much pathological
hate needs psychiatric and psychological support.  Getting a life would be
good too!  ;)

Sincerely?  It is being stressing and I already lost important time
managing everything, but I am strong enough to survive very well and kick
some asses very hard.  ** What really annoys me is knowing that some
sensitive persons here never will write anything on this list because of
this oppressive dictatorship of fear and bad words. **

I use bad words because they are very 'expressive', but they are really
aggressive to a great part of people and it isn't a good thing, is
disrespectful.  Unhappily, some people here don't understand "please ...",
but understand very well "please &%#@...".  Troll dialet, sorry.  :(

We can do this mailing list more _useful_ and _sane_ to everybody, _less
harmful_ to some people.  We should try it, at least.


Obs:  -  Lots of late private answers.  Sorry, had a little accident and I
am having some personal problems.  And bizarre problems in another list,
ugh!  :P

Do you believe we were discussing Yahoo, NSA, privacy, moral damages, etc,
in a Brazilian _technical_ private group of studies of Law and Technology,
and a friend of mine decided to discuss NSA, USA elections and _the return
of Jesus Christ_ too?  :-/

God, I do love this guy, he was already an activist and professor before my
birth, but discussing Jesus Christ, Satan, USA elections, etc, in a
technical, specifically focused group, where all the members collaborate to
make more efficient the Brazilian judicial procedures using technology,
made me think about this list and really panicked me.  Ugh, fear!  :-/

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