On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:11:40 +1100
Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 05:45:31PM -0500, Marina Brown wrote:
> > On 11/11/2016 04:56 PM, juan wrote:
> > > On Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:19:51 +1100
> > > Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> > > 
> > >> An unbelievable gauntlet? A total liar? Someone who selfishly
> > >> intends to line his $10 billion pockets into $100+ billion
> > >> pockets?
> > >> http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/incredible-last-minute-trump-ad-exposed-corrupt-elite/ri17542
> > >>
> > >> We rail. We hope.
> > > 
> > >   So, how long before you admit that trump is nothing but a
> > >   puppet of the establishment? Well, not exactly a puppet
> > > since HE is the establishment.
> If he pushes too hard, say reclaim constitutional right for the people
> to print their own greenbacks, undoubtedly a JFK result would ensue.

        I would be surprised if 'he' stops the printing presses to any
        meaningful degree. 

> If he reneges on all election postures, he would give rise to a
> right-er, harder, extremer (now justified) nationalistic / racist /
> etc rising. 

        I'm having a hard time imagining justified nationalism.
        Especially american nationalism. Idem for 'justified' racism.

> Whites oppressed and suppressed, fed eternal guilt by
> supreme left-ers, disclaimed of all culture, all "racial strength" all
> dignity in self, no celebration of uniqueness ever allowed, must
> eventually revolt - the pendulum ever swings.


> Having catalyzed an awakening of fellow grievers, 

        So trump is 'worth' 3700 millions according to wikipedia. He
        was born in new york and has a degree from pennsylvania
        university. I think that makes him a fully qualified member
        of new england's elite, establishment and oligarchy.

> that awareness of
> todays endemic cultural suppression as existing beyond "just me and my
> mates", let's hope Trump successfully cuts a middle ground.
> Otherwise yes, the swing to rebellious extremism as 'the only
> alternative' may well be now unstoppable and to the benefit of no one.
> > Well - one might argue he is owned by the Russian establishment -
> > he is up to his eyballs in Russian debt.
> He was a businessman, knowing the swings of artificially santioned
> national economic suppression of the US upon Rus. If it be true he is
> up to such eyeballs, let's be thankful a detente is now perhaps
> certain.

        Looks like german debt at least according to this


> Distasteful as a descent into true reactive fascism would be if Trump
> wimps out on any positive change, it's still better than the Western
> dragon whipping its tail into a new global war to end all wars.
> I but hope and pray for a narrow middle way, a soft landing for all.

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