On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 05:51:23 -0500
John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:

> His involvement with the American Nazi party and his status as an
> Imperial Wizard of the KKK in the 70s is probably what had you so
> "confused" about the anti-racist crusader  David Duke. Damn MSM!!  

        Yeah, I was about to mention that being 'anti-racist' must be a
        fundamental requirement for joining the KKK...

        Took a quick look at wikipedia and seems that the guy is also a
        scammer and his 'hobby' is gamling. Well, no doubt he sticks to
        european values. 

> Although I have not a single fucking clue what David Duke has to do
> even tangentially with the purported purpose of this list, I read a
> small portion of the transcript, just to the part where he starts
> blathering his line about preserving the European values of America. 
> Just the same way the Europeans were so concerned with preserving the
> native culture of the Americas starting with that very first asshole
> Colombus who enslaved countless natives in the West Indies.... And so
> it went, and continues, since 1492. I find it fucking hilarious that
> you buy into David Dukes line of shit, and then write a screed about
> MSM programming.
> John
> --
> John
> > On Nov 19, 2016, at 3:51 AM, Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > ISTM that David Duke is, has been, and always will be, staunchly
> > anti-racist.
> > That, for me, was a head spin. I ate up the lame stream media
> > programming on this one back when I was a teenager (from memory at
> > least), and so to hear David Duke speak as he does, and refer to his
> > public speeches from 1992, is a sad indictment of my personal
> > programmability by the LSM.
> > 
> > Better late than never I guess...
> > Zenaan
> > 
> > 
> >> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 12:15:10AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> >> OK for all those who want to read rather than view, below begins
> >> the transcription of the interview with David Duke.
> >> 
> >> This is just the first 15 minutes, the rest will come soon.
> > ...

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