Re the discussion of fascism, I particularly like the thought catalytic
arising from extract point 6 below.

The Fight for the Alt-Right: The Rising Tide of Ideological Autism
Against Big Tent-Supremacy
Posted on 2016-03-05

So what are the tenets of the big tent? I believe they are as follows:

1.) People are different. Human inequality is a fact of life and belief
  systems that deny this lead to distortion and oppression. Both
  individuals and populations vary in their characteristics in
  meaningful ways, such as intelligence and social behavior. One size
  does not fit all, not comfortably at least.

2.) Our world is tribal. The struggle for survival which has produced
  all life on earth extends into biological human races, which both
  exist and matter to their members. Such conflict is neither immoral
  nor moral, but a condition we must engage with in order to develop any
  meaningful philosophy or ideology. It can be found on the streets, in
  the human resources department, at the ballot box, or in the trenches.
  Even something as trivial as the Oscars is fought over. Though it is
  currently politically incorrect to acknowledge that races and their
  national subdivisions exist and compete for resources, land, and
  influence over one another or over themselves, that does not mean the
  struggle has stopped. That one side has been cajoled into not
  struggling does not mean it is left alone.

3.) Our tribe is being suppressed. The new left doctrine of racial
  struggle in favor of non-whites only, a product of decolonization and
  the defeat of nationalists by egalitarians after WWII, must be
  repudiated and Whites must be allowed to take their own side in their
  affairs. A value system that says Whites are not allowed to have
  collective interests and literally every other identity group can do
  so and ought to do so is unacceptable.

4.) Men are not women and women are not men. Men and women have roles to
  fulfill for the species to persist in a stable and healthy way.
  Feminism and the sexual revolution, by destroying the conditions that
  promoted and sustained heterosexual monogamy, have had disastrous
  implications for the sexes and relationships between them. (I highly
  recommend F. Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power here for those
  interested in more). No viable society can exist where the long-term
  union of one man and one woman producing a replacement level of
  offspring is not the norm. Some Western countries have obscured the
  impact of sexual degeneracy on birthrates by importing foreigners, but
  such measures only further the destruction of nations; they do not
  sustain a people but keep a state’s balance sheets in order.

5.) Freedom is a responsibility and not a right. The freedom of too many
  incompetent people to make too many bad decisions is harmful to
  society and constrains the freedom of virtuous and responsible people.
  There are externalities to most actions and when these are harmful to
  non-actors it is a kind of injustice. These need to campaigned
  against, or suppressed by force or the threat of force—the basis of
  the rule of law. A virtuous society is an ordered one that provides
  freedom from anarcho-tyranny.

6.) If we must be a democratic society, the franchise should be limited.
  Universal democracy is a bad system. It gives power to the worst and
  shackles the fittest. It is a degenerative institution in which the
  weak and unproductive collaborate against the strong and sustainable.

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