For the sheer subversiveness of it, the subject title of this article
grabbed me immediately, and slightly less than 369 ms later I burst out

Perhaps not everyone's cup of tea, but wow! What a concept. And the
content is cogent, clear and well reasoned.

Here's just one quote to pique:
Once again, it used to be the religious right that was the chief
obstacle to intellectual inquiry, with blasphemy laws and bans on
stem-cell research. But now it’s liberals who want trigger warnings in
every textbook and therapy sessions after they hear an offensive
dangerous idea. They’re more intellectually stunted than the religious
right ever were.

You see, when gays set aside their determination to force gay culture on
everyone, they find they share a lot of common ground with Republicans
and conservatives. The Christian baker who doesn’t want to bake you a
cake is also the gun owner that would defend you from a terrorist, and
the concealed carry trainer who will teach you to defend yourself
against a threat at a gay nightclub.

If nothing else, this "Alt-Right" phenomenon, busting every politically
correct Lefty terrorist they can get their words on, seems we have a
what could be called Neo-Punk or Alt-Punk.

No wonder Milo is railed at by the non-Christian owned MSM.

How Donald Trump Made It Cool To Be Gay Again

Presidente of Vice, Le Ministry of Winning
Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C)
Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes since 1988

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