​Juan, I really don't care about your lies and your opinion about me.  I am
a lawyer.  So what?  Should I be punished for still believing in Justice
and using legal resources against corruption, censorship, violation of
rights?  I am just using the System's weapons against the System.

You are the real censor here, not me.  Always repressing spontaneous
manifestations, always judging, offending and humiliating people in the
most aggressive ways, with bizarre distortions of the messages and its
contents.  It is being really 'dishonest'.  You are dishonest in several
senses and with your attitudes and behavior, if you had any integrity, you
would be living in a cave, using at most stone tools, not the Internet.

Good bye, Juan.  I won't read your messages anymore.  Be happy with your
little nazi buddy Zzz in my trash.

- c.


On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 12:16 AM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 23:53:31 -0200
> Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 4, 2016 10:17 PM, "juan" <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >         What is that supposed to mean?  He is a shitbag, but
> > > according to
> > you he is a great. YOU are the one who SIDES with a SHITBAG like
> > quinn. It is YOUR problem.
> >
> > Well, tecnically, you are also a "shitbag",
>         I don't advocate any sort of criminal activity - quite the
>         opposite. I don't work for the government and I am not a
>         lawyer, unlike you. so no, I'm not a shitbag.
>         You on the other hand...
> >
> > >         Do not take me for an idiot, Cecilia. You can't be
> > 'anti-censorship' and pro-quinn who is a fucking CENSOR.
> >
> > Juan, sorry, I am not taking you for an idiot.
>         Course not. You are trying to, which is incredibly stupid on
>         your part. In other words, at least have a shred of intelectual
>         honesty and admit that you 'like' scumbags like quinn because
>         you are hardly different from scumbags like quinn.
> > Juan, please stop flirting with Alzheimer.  We already had dozens of
> > discussions about moderation x censorship, even in private messages.
> > You know I am a moderator in some tech and legal lists and groups.
>         Well, thanks for making it clear that you yourself are a
>         censor. No wonder you like scumbags like quinn and his support
>         for censorship.
> >
> > >         As to you speaking against the many censors who advocate
> > censorship here, feel free to link your posts criticizing them.  I
> > doubt there's any.
> >
> > Don't be lazy and research, Juan.  You know very well you have much
> > more free time than me.  :P
>         What the fuck do you know about how much 'free' time I have?
>         Bottom line : you never spoke against censorship. You can't
>         search the archives for your anti-censorship posts because they
>         do not exist.
> >
> > >         Newsflash for you Cecilia!! It is not their list. If
> > > anything it
> > is taxpayer owned. And they have no 'right' to make nor 'enforce' any
> > 'rules'.
> >
> > OK, so you can create your own list,
>         What the fuck has that got to do with anything? Nothing.
>         But of course, since you know that what I say is true and you
>         have zero arguments against it, you go off in a stupid
>         dishonest tanget.
> >
> > >         Like I said Cecilia, you SUPPORT CENSORSHIP. Don't bother
> > pretending that you don.t
> >
> > Yeah, Juan, you know me much better than myself.
>         I know what you publicly do, you dishonest retard. You don't
>         even understand they garbage you are just typing?
> > I am so happy you
> > are sharing with me so valious informations about my own believes and
> > convictions.  Thank you!  :D
> >
> > Good night and have sweet dreams, Juan.  I really think it's pretty
> > funny when you try to censor my personal opinions,
>         I'm not censoring anything, you dumb dishonest fuck.
> imposing yours as
> > an absolute true.  :)

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