On December 7, 2016 2:40:49 PM EST, Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:
>On 12/07/2016 12:12 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On December 7, 2016 2:01:32 PM EST, jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com>
>>> From: Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>
>>> On 12/06/2016 10:46 PM, Razer wrote:
>>>>> The folks at Weather.com have asked Breitbart to kindly stop using
>>> their
>>>>> data to create #FakeNews.
>>>>> ROTF!
>>>> Good for them. We need more real news, and less fake news.
>>> We could agree with THAT, but I happen to believe that the main
>>> American sources of fake newsare ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, and
>>> many others, called the "MSM". 
>>>  We saw in the recent election seasonthat these organizations were
>>> tending to avoid covering things that were negative to Hillary
>>> Clinton.This was particularly true once the Wikileaks leaks became
>>> heavy, a couple of months before theelection, especially.  Sure,
>>> there's the "fake news" meme, but I don't recall a single email that
>>> camefrom the DNC/Podesta/Weiner camp that was claimed to have been
>>> "fake":  By and large, eventuallythe MSM simply refused to publicize
>>> them.
>> There's no question the DNC fucked itself with its dirty shenanigans
>to fuck Sanders for Clinton, a fucking god awful candidate. 
>> That said, some of the fake news conspiratard shit has ended up
>causing a lunatic with a gun to go "investigating" ....  (Pizzagate
>HEH).  Nobody looks good in this election. Then again, I can't think of
>a counter example ;).  (Obama as first black president was mildly
>inspiring if you paid zero attention to the details eg his global
>assassination program, etc etc)
>Obama isn't "Black", in any meaningful sense. He's certainly not
>"African-American" in the traditional sense. His ancestors weren't
>slaves in the US. His father was African, yes, but he was raised in
>Hawaii by his white mother. So arguably, he's a typical upper-class
>academic, who just happens to have black skin.
>He did jump-start his political career in Chicago. And he did join a
>radical Black church, whose pastor was at least sympathetic to Black
>Nationalism. But that was arguably just a cynical ploy to infiltrate
>community, and start building his political base. And he dumped them
>quickly after going national.
>Now if they had elected Wyclef Jean ;)

Lol. Immortal Technique (Felipe Coronel) would be my pick, although he's of 
Peruvian ancestry, hes effectively black.... I always thought he was black 
until I first saw him live!

>> John
>>> That's one big reason I blame the MSM itself for the "fake news"
>>> phenomenon.  In prior election cycles, generally all the outlets
>>> covered all the stories...with a different slant and spin, of
>>>  Anaverage person would have a good clue that a given story was fake
>>> it came solely from a givensource, or 'side'.  But in 2016 the
>>> observed that the MSM was studiously limiting its coverage on those
>>> issues that happened to be negative to Hillary.  I'm not saying that
>>> they entirely avoided them, but I think most people would agree that
>>> their coverage was completely stilted.
>>> As a consequence, it became virtually "normal" for there to be
>>>  apparently-quite-legitimate stories onone 'side', and not another.
>>>  This meant that ordinary people no longer had this as a clue to
>>> themwhich thing to believe, and which not to.  
>>>            Jim Bell

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