On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 09:02:17PM -0800, Razer wrote:
> On 12/07/2016 07:27 AM, I wrote:
> > Zionism is Jewish Fascism dreamed up by some nutjob rebbe in Europe
> > sometime in the 1800s with about as much basis in the Torah as ISIS
> > (another Fash group) has basis in the Koran.
> >
> > Zionism is Jewish Fascism
> > The so-called "Alt-Right" is AMERICAN FASCISM.
> >
> > If you hate the 'alt-right' (fascism) you hate zionism (fasicism), not
> > Jews (antisemitism)
> As I was saying:
> Forward (Progressive US Jewish news)
> ‘Alt Right’ Leader Silences Rabbi by Tying White Supremacy to Zionism
> http://forward.com/news/356336/watch-alt-right-leader-leaves-rabbi-speechless-by-likening-white-supremacy/

Well played, Spencer!

Thanks for the link R ;)

Given America's ardent and decades long massive financial and military
support for Israel, and therefore Zionism,
the closing quote in the "Forward" article above is fitting indeed:

A perfect example of why Zionists are poorly positioned to confront
white nationalists: https://t.co/JVpZJRkJHx via @joshnathankazis— Max
Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 7, 2016

In the public consciousness, this debate is just getting started.
Snowball's chance in hell of censoring this now... notwithstanding that
(arguably self- in this instance) book banning is getting going in the
Grande Ole U S of A:

"Free speech is not supreme, it's my right to have Safe Spaces."

"Burn those books, they're offensive."

"It's my right to be non-inclusive and intolerant of alt-BLAH talk and
views on my campus, because!"

"We should not be free to speak 'hate' speech, and my Liberal buddies
shall be the censors tank your furry muff!"

* Certified Deplorable Neo-Nazi Fake News Hunter (TM)(C)(R)
* Executive Director of Triggers, Ministry of Winning
* Weapons against traditional \/\/European\/\/ values:

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