On 01/04/2017 08:35 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 02:31:19PM +0000, Ben Tasker wrote:
>> Or perhaps it's simply because Japan's efforts in the middle east are
>> limited to Humanitarian aid. Makes it far harder to find victims willing to
>> get angry at the Japanese when they're not dropping bombs.
>> And "no terrorists" is taking it a bit far. No jihadi's maybe, but Japan
>> has had it's own share of terrorism in the past.
> Speaking of the middle east, a quote that resonates personally:
>   "Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the
>    Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had
>    no enemies in the Middle East."
>    - John Sheehan, S.J. (Jesuit priest)
>    URL with photo of this man and quote:
>    http;//bbs,dailystormer,com/t/retiring-from-the-forum/74918/115

The Jesuits are the military and spying wing of the Vatican.

A hella set of credentials.

The Jesuits and Israel are on EXACTLY the same page. Catholicism is
Christianity's Zionism. A Fascist socio-politcal leech on an ostensibly
spiritual religion. Much as Neonazis are leeches on whatever host
society they infest.


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