On Sun, Jan 08, 2017 at 09:56:35PM +1000, James A. Donald wrote:
> I have watched videos of the collapse of WTC 7 frame by frame.  It did not
> collapse symmetrically - it sagged on one side.  Hence no need for any
> official excuse.
> The building looked as if it had been chewed on by giant rats, with great
> big holes all over the place, and was on fire, hence its collapse is no
> great mystery.

No matter what color of the hats of the "terrists" was/is, why the
'mericans celebrate Patriot Day(tm) exactly on this day?

Their sickyourity was fucked and the wikipedia page about this is
unparseble for me.

Is there other conspiracy theory besides "inducing fear in sheeple"?

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