On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 10:30:23AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> Still waiting for it to post something that actually has to do with the
> list purpose...

Well, you certainly love razing the quality of discussions - none can
slight you for lack of consistency there...

Punk is politics. Chaos is appearing. Nationalism and populism (in a
"democracy"? who woulda thought) are appearing and the memeing and
trolling methods of the DailyStormers is both humorous and effective -
things that certainly fit in round here.

Oh, and the craving for censorship continues apace - Weinersteiners
recent post is a fine testament to this.

Everything we say having a significant effect in the world, is
inherently political.

The "punk cypher" tools developed over the last 20 years on top of
the USA's military comms network, such as BitCoin, Tor and more,
seem to have turned out to be more military industrial spying / existing
regime tools than anything that will fundamentally change the system.
(Admittedly some still hold hope for potential whistleblowing, as
apparently turbo charged by Wikileaks.)

So the idealism inherent in anarchists, in the crypto realm, but also in
many other areas (education, communes/ "communities", "free energy") has
so far failed to shift anything significant in this world, at least

Frankly the slant brought by JAD I find refreshing, and seems to quite
succinctly summarise what I assume many Trump supporters think they
voted for.

But hey, feel free to continue to rage against all and everything with
your cheap one line throwaways, even when some apparent effort is put
into a communication. Such throwaways are less than useful to this very
current and very topical convo - there appears to be a real chance that
you feared right-wing "ethnic Nationalists", despite their best efforts,
may end up collectively realising the only solution is a final solution.

I guess it's cozy being an ostrich though...

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