On Tue, 17 Jan 2017 22:31:31 -0600
"Shawn K. Quinn" <skqu...@rushpost.com> wrote:

> On 01/17/2017 06:32 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> > iron melts 1811k 1538c boils 3134k 2862c
> > steel melts 1100-1538c depending on alloy content
> > aluminum melts 933k 660c boils 2473k 2470c
> > jet fuel open air burn 1030c to 2500k 2230c
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature
> Metal doesn't have to melt to be flexible enough to bend. 1030°C is
> plenty hot enough to make iron or steel bend enough for a building to
> collapse the way the WTC did.

        Quinn, yet another piece of US military shit. Exactly like the
        rayzer pentagon bot. 

        Now a basic fact : Steel structures used in buildings are
        designed taking into account that they might just get hot during
        a fire. So, all this talk about 'melting' steel or even 'softening' it 
        is sheer stupidity. No, the fires were not hot enough to 'melt'
        steel NOR TO WEAKEN IT. Plus there isn't any evidence nor
        reason to believe that the fires in the wtc were especially
        'hot'. Rahter the opposite. 

        Another basic fact. A steel structure with a mass of tens of
        thousands of tons is a BIG heat sink. Even a retarded
        'faux''engineer' should see what follows from that. 



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