Jim, I respect you, but I don't agree with 80% of your opinions, sorry.
Maybe Sweden government, the whole 'Internets', all the media and I have
misunderstood your President, but I sincerely believe he should study more
and watch less TV.  It would be much better for him and the rest of the

OK, I admit all the jokes and memes about Trump are hilarious and Saturday
Night Live is making me lol a lot, but I swear I would thank all the Gods
and Goddesses of Universe if your President becomes a more rational and
logical person.  Sorry, you know I don't respect stupidity and ignorance
and Trump...  Well, you already know.  :((

#  Everyone Is Super Confused About Trump’s "Last Night In Sweden" Comments


Trump Says He Was Talking About A TV Show On Sweden, Okay?


On Saturday, the president told supporters to “look what’s happening last
night in Sweden.” On Sunday, he said he was referring to a Fox News segment
that aired Friday night, not an actual incident in the country.


President Trump
​ ​
declared the

​ ​
​ ​
"The Enemy Of The American People"
, oooooh!  Pretty impressive, all his stupid mistakes are a 'media
conspiration'.  Everything he disagrees is considered as "fake news" and he
tells lies saying they are "alternative facts".

Sorry, I had stray cats and dogs more intelligent and expressive than him.
All of them were more beautiful and polite too.  I am so sorry for your
country, but the sad truth is the USA has a joke as President.  Well, all
politicians are bad taste jokes, but some are more than others.  Your
ridiculous President, for example, already gave me material for several
sketches and laughs.  Viva Trump cabron, hahaha!!  ;)

Well, don't feel so upset.  I don't have any respect for the actual
President of my country too.  Another bad joke, aff...  :(((

PS:  - I pray all the days begging to an eventual God to protect us of
nuclear explosions and wars, because this dawn orange disgrace will f_ck
the rest of the world with him.

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

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