On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 17:14:59 +1000
"James A. Donald" <jam...@echeque.com> wrote:

> In the case of Standard Oil, we see technological advance
        let's assume, for argument's sake, that there was  some
        'technological advance'

> driven by a 
> rich capitalist 

        nope, that's just your highly stupid, anti-free-market,
        corporatist propaganda. 

        the price of commodities don't go down thanks to scumbags like
        rockefeller. Stop lying.

>radically reducing the cost of fuel, 
        bullshit. now, get lost.

> as in the
> standard Ayn Rand account of technological progress,
> industrialization, and economic development.
> We don't see any obvious reduction in the cost of fuel from the
> breakup of Standard Oil.

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