On 02/28/2017 06:02 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 3/1/2017 11:40 AM, Razer wrote:
>> From Donald Trump's address tonight.
>> What does the highlighted part mean?
>> It means Donald Trump can't put a coherent thought together... He's
>> insane... Bwhahahhhaaa!
> You want to know what he means?
> If you were familiar with alt-right and neoreactionary thought, you
> would know what he means.
> Here is what he means:
> Science largely stopped progressing shortly after World War II.  It
> has become a priesthood in lab coats.  Peer Review is the priesthood
> at synod, conspiring behind closed doors to develop a uniform party
> line. Instead of experimentalists telling us what they see, they are
> told what they will see.
> Technology in West largely stopped progressing after 1972.
> Compare, for example "Freedom Tower" with the Two Towers.  Its highest
> inhabitable floor is substantially smaller and lower than the highest
> inhabited floor of the two towers, and it just looks ugly,
> unimpressive, and sadly early twentieth century, a little bit old
> fashioned.  Our fastest fighter planes have smarter electronics, but
> they fly slower, do not fly so high, and are less maneuverable.
> Technology continues to progress in East Asia, though slowly, for
> example ever better phone screens, LED lighting, higher energy density
> batteries, and so on and so forth. Which is odd, since even East
> Asians agree that East Asians are uncreative and need white leadership
> to achieve technological advance.  Why are white people, who have
> always led the world, taking a back seat?
> Maybe the same reason as our testosterone levels and sperm counts are
> falling catastrophically.  Remember what happened to rocket scientist
> Matt Taylor.
> Something has gone terribly wrong in the West, and Trump hopes to fix it.
> That is very ambitious, perhaps absurdly ambitious, but Trump is a
> proud and ambitious man, and has accomplished remarkable things.

Donald Trump is gonna 'fix it' the way the 'banksters' fixed the
financial system they broke.  He is not only part of the problem He is a
glaring symptom of the problem. Malignant psychopath bordering on stone
cold 'silence of the lambs' sociopath. Just get in the way of one of his
business deals.

It won't go like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9XeyBd_IuA

He's a fucking piranha in a goldfish tank.


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