> Weeks into the presidency of a buffoonish but vicious tyrant, I feel
> compelled to take off my black bandana, hooded sweatshirt, and kick
> off my steel-toed boots to reveal myself to the people. This is
> especially for those who believe the United States is faced with an
> uprising led by professional anarchists and paid protesters.
> They are right.
> In this communique, I will unmask myself, and thus, in doing so, there
> will be truth.
> I can say they are correct because I was hired by New York Hedge Fund
> manager and elite liberal sugar daddy George Soros to personally chair
> an anarcho-commission of agitators. We were asked to treat our work
> like that of a corporation. The more franchises we could start in
> cities across America, the more likely we would be able to tear down
> Donald Trump.
> But the only problem is Soros is a bitch-ass dickstain.
> That motherfucker promised to pay me $2,000/week and give me health
> insurance. He promised to set up a retirement account. He even
> promised to give me a sizable bonus at the end of the year. But after
> the inauguration, when it was time to be paid, no check came in the mail.
> It is almost the end of February, and still, no check has come. I have
> receipts from traveling to Washington, D.C. that I need reimbursed! I
> have student loans from my Left-Wing Revolutionary Studies Major to
> pay off, asshole!
> So, I am violating the non-disclosure agreement I signed to expose
> Soros’ professional anarchist dealings, which are aimed at undermining
> the most vicious and most brutal capitalist empire in the world.

Confession follows >

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