On 2017-03-17 21:41, John Newman wrote:
Despite the moronic fantasies of reactionary monarchist fantasists like James Donald, this is not 
Trump on his way to becoming "King Trump" or "Trump playing 4d chess"...
he's just an incompetent hack, like most politicians, except people really 
fucking hate him.

If he is just an incompetent hack, how come he has a hot wife, a flying palace with a gold plated bathroom, and the presidency?

I bet money that he would win the nomination and then I bet money he would win the presidency. Everything he did was what I expected him to do in order to win, and it worked. You cannot understand how he won, because your hatred blinds you and makes you ignorant.

This budget does not defund science. It does not defund the poor. It defunds the left - thereby diminishing the capability of the left to resist further defunding. But because you have this fantasy that the left is a grassroots popular movement, rather than the arrogance of power, you cannot see what he is doing, and will not understand even when people explain it to you.

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