For the sake of edification of the list, I offer this (DRAFT) scale
for measuring the level of delusion present when talking to so-called
(or "named") authorities (doctors, political consultants, stoners,
athiests, christians) or merely interviewing anyone with a potential

The JSD measures from a scale of 0 to 10 the level of delusion in a
subject, with 10 representing a complete delusional view of the world,
like in a drug-induced hallucination such as commonly found with LSD,
and 0 meaning no delusions present.

As the author is aware that there is no way to confirm an absolute
state of delusionlessness to form a reference point, I can only I
offer myself -- on contingency, if you wish, of regular male and
female humans, children and adults, giving confirmation.  As it may be
the case that we are all in a co-creative and co-supportive delusional
(non)reality, we must enlist the use of others who may not be as
prone.  For example, many delusions are held by language, by belief
systems, by systems of protocols, and other such ongoing routines.
Delusion may even be something animals could meaure, as they have no
language in which to convince themselves of the elaborate narrative
which consumes many peoples lives, mentally ill or otherwise.

For the sake of clarification, we have to agree whether a absolute
state of reality exists.  Whether we can access or understand it or
not, must be left for generations to resolve, but yet I'm making the
case that an absolute reality *does* exist, and will continue to exist
separate from my own mind (in oppostion to solipcism).  Acceptability
to or consensus of the masses should not be considered a factor, yet
it remains one of the most conveniant means of assessment.

There are really two axiis in which to measure:  functionality vs.
hallucinatory.  This scale measures only the latter, as loss of
function does not contribute much to delusion.  On this latter, there
are perceptual (as in LSD) vs. cognitive hallucinations ("I'm a Amazon
Warrior").  The critical difference is the engagement of belief
systems.  For example, "I am a alien from outer-space" can only happen
with the engagement of their ego/belief system, as their is no
perceptual data for them to reach their (delusional) conclusion.

Nor does this scale measure self-controlled delusions, as in children
concocting a temporary world of make-believe together.

5 -- complete hallucinatory mindset, as from a *salvia divinorum* or
*datura intoxica* episode, not able interact reasonably in your own
4 -- in a quasi-hallucinatory mindset,  light LSD and being "stoned",
creating both perceptual and cognitive dysfunction.
3 -- Christians who think that they don't break their own commandments
while the support killing overseas and liberals who think that rubbing
the penis in the rectum makes love.
2 -- mild, seemingly-harmless delusions like atheism based not in
evidence, but in a self-perpetuated belief and support network of
like-minded individuals.  Most people in industrialized nations are in
this category.
1 -- temporary, and minor belief that happens to be false, but correctable.
0 -- no delusions.

Well, this is a first stab at it.  What's missing is how intense the
experience is which is likely connected to the amount of beliefs
co-engaged with the delusion.  "Smoking pot is harmless", for example,
is the first seed of delusion which allows the user to totally allow
their brain to get co-opted by the toxicity of THC.  Doctors, then,
are co-conspiritors who are either bending to the popular will or also
in a delusional, but co-supportive reality that their understanding of
THC and it's interactions in the mind and body are something they
actually comprehend.  Unfortunatley, they've roped almost 100% of the
general public into this web of needles and pills so that now everyone
else fights for the Establishment too, even though they have nearly
zero scienfitic training or ability of critical analysis.

Thank you.  Remember this, and act accordingly kids,


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