On Sat, Apr 08, 2017 at 09:52:51PM -0400, \0xDynamite wrote:
> > 4 Signs You May Be A Statist Puppet
> >
> > 1. You Believe State Laws are Valid and Just
> > 2. You are Blindly Patriotic
> > 3. You Think it’s Moral and Just That the Government Forces Taxation
> > 4. You’re Conditioned to Think You Need to be Policed
> That is one of the best lists I've seen.  The only problem I see is in
> #3.  The government doesn't force taxation, it's just that most people
> are too afraid to challenge it.


Good catch!

> In theory, the state has to charge
> you with the crime of tax evasion, and then they have to find you
> guilty in a court of law.
> So deny it publicly or en masse, like as
> in history, and see how far they get in "forcing" you.  To my
> knowledge, no one has tested this since before the last century.

Actually, I know a few in Australia have "tested" it, and one I assisted
personally, but unfortunately he refused to handle/ properly speak to,
the very (and foundational) issue that I raised - he ended up
fundamentally just "nice asking the court to do the right thing because
the ATO (Aus Tax Office) was mean and charging too much and anyway, I'm
happy to pay, just not so much",

which argument of course (and justifiably so, and rightly so) fell flat
on its arse.

It's only the "cypherpunks mindset" which can begin to step back, as
you've done here, and look at the more fundamental issues as well as the
(self) deceptions and "programming" of us humans in the very words that
are used - shape the dialogue, control the people, as well we know.

Fail to handle the underlying assumptions, and you will fail to have the
Western courts support your claim for your human rights.

> So I'll complement your list with this:
> 4 signs you may be giving too much power to the State:
> 1.  You believe it is more powerful than you are.
> 2.  You don't know much of the laws which define the state,
> 3.  You depend mostly on mass media to know what's going on in your world.
> 4.  You are completely dependent upon the infrastructure of the state
> for your livelihood (food, energy, heating, etc).


No doubt many round these parts can add to this list.

git repo to get things started:

Many signs, any of which demonstrate prima facie that you are a
state puppet and or that you are externalising your inner authority:


# Many signs one could be a state puppet:

1. You believe that external authorities have more authority that
   your own inner authority

1. You believe state laws are valid and just, and therefore ought be

1. You believe MOST state laws are valid and just, and therefore
   ought be obeyed.

1. You believe SOME state laws are valid and just, and therefore
   ought be obeyed.

1. You believe the state and democracy to be useful constructs for
   average humans, and not just for the elite.

1. You believe the state should be "the State".

1. You are blindly patriotic.

1. You believe there have been historical instances where the
   Western states have exercised their state power justly, and

1. You think that the government forces taxation. 

1. You think it’s moral and just that the government force taxation.

1. You believe that taxation is not "optional according to statute

1. You dismiss as a false and malicious lie when "freedom nuts" say
   to you that by law, taxation is actually optional.

1. You can't be bothered to read the laws to find out whether
   "freedom nuts" are telling the truth or not.

1. You’re think you need to be policed.

1. You’re think most people need to be policed.

1. You’re think "society" would fall apart without government funded

1. You believe the state is more powerful than you are.

1. You believe the state is more powerful than the people.

1. You don't know much of the laws which define the state,
   or you don't really know what a state is.

1. You depend mostly on mass media (MSM or lame stream media) to
   know what's going on in your world.

1. You are completely dependent upon the infrastructure of the state
   for your livelihood (food, energy, heating, etc).

1. You believe the state is the reason you live with such
   technological abundance as TVs, computers and cars.

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