On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 03:22:54 -0400
"\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, you see, you did it.   I said cross-fertilize to fill each other's
> scriptural gaps, but you turned it into cultural annihilation.  How
> did you reason that one?

        so you are hijacking 'my' completely relevant points/thread
        with your sick, criminal and insane bullshit. Like I said
        fucking joo-kkkristian assholes like you are the very source of
        all our problems. Your fucking joo-kkkristian criminal
        delusions surely have to annihilated. 

        Now, back to a cypherpunks-relevant topic : 

        I am waiting for any cypherpunk or non-cypherpunk to provide
        any evidence to support the optimistic, false and highly
        dangerous, pro-technology stance. 


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