Hi, cute girls and guys!  Hope everybody is doing good!  :)

I am still pretending to be dead while finishing some crazy projects and
healing a bit, but this message can be very interesting for some
researchers here.

Source: Private APC Members List. (Sorry, I am trying to protect the
sender.  There are bastard Aussie bullies here.)

So much violence and fear, so many bombs and pain in the world...  When we
have more fears and prejudices than dreams and hopes, there is something
very wrong in the world.  A world without privacy, without any security,
where we have to protect our children not of pedophiles on Internet, but of
our own governments...

A Russian government agent tried to get informations about one of my
friends using his own kids, asking them about "their daddy's friends",
about "daddy's job", and so go on.  Protect your lives and, please, protect
also the children's innocence, my beloved ones.

Take care and  - if you believe -  God  (or Goddess, Allah, Buda, Kannon,
The Mother Earth, Shango, everybody!)  bless and protect you and your


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [apc.members] OpenVPN
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 20:55:15 +1000
From: A.G.

Dear friends,

Can anyone recommend a VPN, preferably run by a member if such services
are still being offered?

This is happening today in Australia.

"From today, 13th April 2017, all Australian telecommunication providers
are now required to collect a whole range of your telecommunications
data ('metadata') and retain it for two full years, so that it can be
requested by government agencies.

This data includes information about your phone usage (including texts
and your location) and about your Internet connection. This information
allows very detailed conclusions to be made about many aspects of your
life and there are almost no protections against investigative "fishing
expeditions" or systemic abuse of power.

With the exception of journalists' data, no warrants are required for
access to this data, and there is little effective oversight. The data
retention scheme therefore represents a genuine threat to the privacy of
all Australians."

Source: https://www.efa.org.au/2017/04/13/get-a-vpn-today/


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