On 05/01/2017 08:38 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
> On 05/01/2017 10:36 AM, Razer wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > I don't think there's been a decentralized Internet since AOL
> > first appeared. But it works... For them. Now days Warner, part of
> > AOL Time Warner, seems to sniff all torrent packets going through
> > their portals for Warner content and notifies downstream admins.
> A much more economical attack where seed boxes operated by hostile
> parties record IP addresses of connecting users was the dominant
> torrent surveillance model for a long time.  Typically, a comically
> self-mutilating corporation (thou shalt not promote our product to a
> wide audience at no cost to us) would provide a contractor with a list
> of "intellectual property" items to monitor and report on.  Either the
> contractor would blackmail the account holders at those IP addresses,
> or refer them to their ISPs for hostile action.
> I recall a study from maybe 10 years ago, indicating that
> then-availble blocklists of known and probable "troll" IPs were around
> 90% effective.
> Got pointers to any more current information, especially regarding
> inspection of data in transit?  Inquiring minds wants to know...
> :o)

All I know is that the computer lab for seniors I was volunteering at,
which utilizes a local ISP, was notified that SOMEONE using their
services had torrented a Warner content file. I assume the upstream
provider for the local ISP is AOL which would explain why the only time
we were ever notified about a 'torrentviolator' was in regard to Warner
content, a music video which could have just as easily been downloaded
from YouTube direct using Jdownloader or similar.


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