If these manipulated and quasi-radicalized Muslims were smarter they would
plan a lethal surprise for their handlers as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
suggested for the Soviet security people.

Warrant Canary creator

On May 11, 2017 9:10 AM, "Razer" <g...@riseup.net> wrote:

> Angry "Good Germans" demand reinstatement of Gestapo chief James Comey
> at a "James Comey Is Fired Party" outside The White House.
> https://twitter.com/AuntieImperial/status/862651365801074688
> The FBI is a Clear and Present Danger to 'American Democracy' (if such a
> thing exists at all) no matter which murderous creep runs it. They
> completely fabricate Terror Plots, including the planning, and logistics
> of supplying weapons and explosives, to frame innocent Muslims who would
> have never done such a thing without intense pressure from their
> operatives, and spy on US citizens for the NSA via their Data Intercept
> Technology Unit. They are the sole organization that investigates their
> own agent's murder of civilians. The FBI IS the American Gestapo, and
> 'Mericans are ANGRY their operations have been disturbed.
> Rr

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