> Cybersecurity experts believe the hacker who leaked the potent
> software tool that powered last week’s global ransomware attacks is an
> American – perhaps a disgruntled insider in the U.S. intelligence
> community.
> Such a finding would raise the stakes for halting The Shadow Brokers
> group, which has bedeviled the National Security Agency with releases
> of its hacked weaponized cyber exploits for months.
> One of those leaked NSA tools allowed extortionists to spark havoc
> last Friday by encrypting the hard drives of more than 200,000
> computers in 150 countries, the largest such cyberattack ever to hit
> the globe. The attackers demanded $300 or more to unlock each computer.
> The NSA did not respond to a request for comment.
> The Shadow Brokers group first surfaced last August, claiming to have
> breached the NSA and stolen sophisticated cyber tools. It sought to
> auction off the NSA exploits but failed to find many buyers, releasing
> some for free. It periodically has resurfaced with statements.
> The latest statement came at 2:16 a.m. Tuesday, a long, rambling
> screed that used broken syntax to make it seem as if it were written
> by a foreigner with poor English. But the message was filled with U.S.
> cultural references that experts said were likely to have come only
> from someone with a native’s familiarity.
> “I think they are Americans, and I think they are inside somewhere,”
> said Dave Aitel, chief executive at Immunity, a Miami cybersecurity
> company, who formerly was a chief scientist at the NSA. “Some of the
> idioms they use are straight up native. You have to be a native to use
> them.”
> Domestic cultural and political references fill the 1,100-word
> statement, which carries the headline: “OH LORDY! Comey Wanna Cry
> Edition.”
> In addition to references to James Comey, the ousted FBI director, and
> the WannaCry ransomware that the extortionists deployed last Friday,
> the statement made liberal use of idioms like “BFF” – or “best friends
> forever” – and a vulgar expression that “Late Show” host Stephen
> Colbert employed May 1 in talking about President Donald Trump.

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