On 05/20/2017 10:43 AM, Razer wrote:
> On 05/20/2017 04:38 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 09:36:26AM -0700, Razer wrote:
>>> WOOT '17 accepts papers in both an academic security context and more
>>> applied work that informs the field about the state of security practice
>>> in offensive techniques. The goal for these submissions is to produce
>>> published works that will guide future work in the field. Submissions
>>> will be peer reviewed and shepherded as appropriate.
>>> Submission topics include but are not limited to:
>>> https://www.usenix.org/conference/woot17/call-for-papers
>> Not joking. This is opportunity to troll another set of people.
>> Something like "Security, privacy and society are fucked up beyond
>> repair" by Academic Cypherpunks Incorporated.
>> There are about 10 days left before submission.
> I'm still trying to figure out exactly what "shepherded as appropriate"
> implies.

I can't come up with an interpretation other than "shall be managed to
assure that our pre-determined agenda and message is not disrupted."
The end product shall be naughty enough to attract attention but no
Sacred Cows shall be molested during its production, and nobody's grant
money jeopardized by the content of presentations, publications or press

"Disruptive" has long been Corporate duckspeak promoting "hot new
products and business opportunities."

The most disruptive trend I have seen in network security over the past
year or so is the high visibility of security contracting businesses
whose major products include propaganda:  If you want to attribute an
insider threat problem to an external actor, hire Norse, Crowdstrike or
a similar firm and tell them what you "think" they are going to find.
Their reports, suitable for quoting in press releases, will meet or
exceed your expectations.

Security Fiction in service to propaganda objectives is the Big Thing
just now.  Even Bruce Schneier has jumped on this bandwagon:  "Obama
decided not to make the accusation public before the election so as not
to be seen as influencing the election."  This refers to a propaganda
campaign kicked off on October 7, 2016, by the DHS press release
attributing the DNC mail leak to Russian Hacking.

Want to introduce disruptive new security concepts and products?  "If
you can think of anything better to do with your time than sit listening
to this recorded message, please replace the handset and go make
something happen." - Little Boots, intro track, Working Girl.


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