> I think whoever blasted this hack off may never touch their money.
> Apparently all the infections come with instructions for payment
> to be made to one of only three static wallets.. and everybody has
> their eyes on the block chain :P

There's enough cryptos, exchange points, tumblers and anon
networks out there to make John Gotti rise up and dance a happy jig.

> They've only brought in like $60k or something from 200k infections.
> Horrible return on infection ratio...

Until they daytrade it in cryptos for a year reaching $1M+.
Move it out saying they kept no logs, pay their tax on $0 basis.
Or keep and use it as crypto.

> there many statists in the blockchain community

Really? Damn, who knew.

> Any bets on whether ending cryptocurrency (esp. bitcoin)
> privacy & fungibility will be near the top of the discussions?

Come on, heads of state have been making sideways public comments
at crypto for years, and now at crypto currencies... "damn swiss bank
account on your phone". You have any idea how much lack of sleep
this dilemma is causing them?

Unfortunately rhetoric is getting stronger, like from that
bitch May in the UK and the retirees in US Gov.

Cryptos need to up their deployment and political game.

> hobble currencies ... advantage investments ... achieve political ends

Sounds like cryptocurrencies job... already happening in
some parts and directions.

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