On 2017-05-17 17:08, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Has anyone done anything like this, and if so, how did you solve it?

(Medium term, the problem begs for a git-like addressed, git-like P2P
addressable/verifiable "content management" solution; e.g. if I have
a random collection of say 10K books, it would be nice to be able to
say something like:
   git library init

   # add my books:
   git add .
   git commit

   git library sort categories
   git library add index1 # create an "indexing" branch
   git commit

   # add some upstream/p2p libraries for indexing/search/federation:
   git library index add upstream:uni.berkely
   git library p2p   add i2p.tunnel:myfriend.SHA
   git library full-index pull myfriend.SHA
   git library math-index pull myfriend.SHA
   git library book:SHA   pull myfriend.SHA

This is the problem of clustering in groups of enormously high dimension, which is a well studied problem in AI.

Take each substring of six words or less, that does not contain a full stop internally. The substring may contain a start of sentence marker at the beginning, and or an end of sentence marker at the end.

Each substring constitutes a vector in a space of enormously high dimension, the space of all possible strings of moderate length.

Each such vector is randomly but deterministically mapped to a mere hundred or so dimensions, to a space of moderately high dimension, by randomly giving each coordinate the value of plus one, minus one, or zero.

Two identical substrings in two separate documents will be mapped to the same vector in the space of moderate dimension.

Each document is then given a position in the space of moderately high dimension by summing all the vectors, and then normalizing the resulting vector to length one.

Thus each document is assigned a position on the hypersphere in the space of moderately high dimension.

If two different documents contain some identical substrings, will tend to be closer together.

We then assign a document to its closest group of documents, and the closest subgroup within that group, and the closest sub sub group.

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