On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Fishy <itooktheb...@memeware.net> wrote:
> Way to rob Mr. Williams of his heritage, c&canon.   To reduce a human to
> a skin color is deplorable.
> What if we addressed you as "Yellow" Concern-troll instead of
> Asian-American, or more specifically, Japanese-(country formally known
> as Brazil)ian ?

Well, Trump is orange and I don't care if you call me yellow, green or
multi-color like a rainbow...  Yellow's a beautiful color, but
remember I would always be the Red Power Ranger.  The Red ones always
have the best moves in all the fights and have the best part of the
Giant Robots!  Like all the Japanese, I love robots, uhuu!  :D

Last Sunday, we had the LGBT Pride Parade here and the day was pretty
hot.  I got a bit of sun and, even being white like a vampire, I'm
deeply tan.  Trump would be very jealous of my awesome natural tan,
not ugly like his fake orange tan, hahaha!!  ;D

#  http://9gag.com/gag/aNAy5mA

Yup, I am still pretty white, but probably with more freckles now,
hahaha!!  The Sun hates me and I had some sunburns, even using
sunscreen, but it was fun!  :D

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