On Sun, 25 Jun 2017 00:44:36 -0400
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    http://www.hashcash.com/

        didn't you bother to make a summary of the scammers' project? 


        "Isn't HashCash centralized, and isn't that bad?

        HashCash is polycentric, rather than centralized. "

        Translation : yes hashcash is just a centralized bank and so
        it is shit.

        "A HashCash vault is a "trusted third party". Isn't that bad?

        A healthy market is full of "trusted third parties. Bla bla bla"

        Translation : yes hashcash is just a centralized bank and so
        it is shit. 

        You're welcome.

> HashCash is free software, written in Perl and published under the
> Artistic License 2.0.
> Source can be downloaded from CPAN. On Unix-ish systems it should also
> be possible to download and install the package with:
>    cpan Crypt::HashCash
> (note different capitalization from Adam's Hashcash)
> HashCash is a lightweight Chaumian blind-signature based digital cash
> system, designed to work without the need for user registration or
> accounts.
> The current implementation is a minimal usable version. It is
> experimental and released for beta testing.
> HashCash can operate with various blind signature algorithms and value
> bases. The initial version includes support for blind RSA and ECDSA
> signatures, and a vault based on Bitcoin.
> HashCash coins are bearer tokens of specific denominations,
> blind-signed by a vault, representing a quantity of some value
> (precious metals / Bitcoin / altcoins / fiat / whatever) stored by the
> vault.
> Users can export coins from their wallets and send them directly to
> anyone else using any communication medium. Coins can be encrypted
> when exported, and the encryption passphrase sent to the recipient
> using an alternate communication method, to protect coins in
> transit. For in-person transactions, recipients can just scan coins as
> QR codes from payers' devices.
> The wallet can work with multiple independent vaults, just as an email
> client might connect to multiple email accounts on different servers.
> With the free vault software and fairly modest hardware and bandwidth
> requirements, operating a HashCash vault is within the capabilities of
> most people with basic computer skills, facilitating decentralizaton
> based on a diversity of competing private vaults. Independent
> automated reliability and reputation tracking of vaults could help
> users select reliable vaults to use.
> Coin minting and verification fees can be set independently by each
> vault, and are built into each interaction with a vault, which enables
> vaults to operate without the need for user accounts.
> A vault's private keys can be kept completely offline at all times, by
> running the vault on machines air-gapped from the Internet and
> communicating with them over serial links. The HashCash protocol is
> designed to facilitate air-gapped vaults, as well as completely
> offline yet fully functional wallets, which can provide a high level
> of security for naive users.
> Offline mode for the wallet is included in current implementation. I'm
> still fine-tuning the support for air-gapped vaults. It works and has
> been well tested, just needs to be cleaned up. Support for air-gapped
> vaults should be included in an upcoming release soon, and an
> experimental live air-gapped vault should also be online shortly. In
> the meantime, you can get a feel for the system by running a vault
> locally. More details on that on the Download page:
>     http://www.hashcash.com/download.html
> Comments, bug reports, code, translation assistance, etc. most welcome
> and greatly appreciated.
> Hash
> http://www.hashcash.com
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