On 07/13/2017 12:11 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:

> Careful.  Who funds the operations of corporations?  The fact is that
> the American people are a bunch of freetards who have never taken
> control of thier own government beyond checking a box ONCE every FOUR

Beg to disagree:  As an example, the original Labor Movement forced the
Robber Barons to accept a settlement negotiated through State
institutions.  The New Deal worked, not just in the U.S. but also in
Germany where the Nazi party applied many features of that model and
pulled the country back from the brink of starvation.  Even given the
then-prevailing German tradition of unconditional obedience to
authority, they would most likely have rebelled against the excesses of
the Nazi agenda had the Party not earned their loyalty by literally
saving their country from total ruin.

Likewise, the U.S. Civil Rights movement obtained massive concessions
via economic and information warfare, again resulting in a negotiated
settlement between organized peasants and their rulers.

Conditions favorable for a massive popular uprising seem to be on the
way in the United States right now, as a consequence of geophysical and
geopolitical factors no amount of Super Science or etc. can wish away.
Now would be a good time to brush up on one's political warfare
techniques, and start looking for winning teams to join up with - or for
that matter, to start one's own.


Don't let the "nonviolent" thing put you off:  Everyone from Mao Tse
Tung to the authors of current U.S. Army counter-insurgency manuals
agrees, an armed uprising can not succeed without a /much/ larger base
of non-combatant supporters.  As a matter of historical fact,
revolutions are won or lost before the first shot is fired.


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