On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 19:55:10 +0300
Georgi Guninski <gunin...@guninski.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 09:29:54AM -0500, Steven Schear wrote:
> > original) and Cash. When the fork happened those holding BTC (in
> > their own wallets) were also able to claim an equal amount of BCC
> > (for free). This created a huge supply of BCC. However, many or
> > most people rarely keep
> Isn't this setting a very dangerous precedent of doubling bitcoin +
> derivatives? 

        bch isn't the first bitcoin clone out there, you know...(or
        maybe you don't?) 

> One of the things I liked most in the btc design was its
> resemblance of the gold standard -- the maximum amount of btc was
> known and fixed. 

        the maximum amount of btc is still known and fixed...

> Now they are violating this by creating
> "derivatives" 

        No 'they' aren't, whoever 'they' are. 

> out of nothing like the fucked up real world financial
> system. Hypothetically if in the future they fork $n$ times, they
> will increase the amount of btc + derivatives by factor of $2^n$.
> Currently I recommend to the btc overlords in future forks 
to keep the
> amount of btc + derivatives fixed, possibly by choose ``old XOR new
> btc''.

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