Due to inflation my opinion has increased in value from two to three cents.

This talk about free speech runs contrary to libertarian values about not
having borders. Offending people is not protected by the non-aggression
principle, and so the risk of people entering a space to experience
undesired speech is too great a risk. As the number of rights expand, so
must the number of freedoms decrease.

It is too far to call the Daily Stormer vitriolic and abusive, it is
clearly only in bad taste and puerile. For some reason after the Reagan
administration, everyone became more puritan, and no one can even directly
discuss any subject matter so I will say it: Calling anyone who died a fat
slut is far outside civilized speech, and is certainly not something to be
joked about in public.

Yes, what GoDaddy, Google, and Cloudflare did was dangerous. So did what
Obama did (
). Yes, it is terrible that states and malicious actors censors others
through DDOS attacks, why are DDOS attacks ignored as speech? Those state
owned computers should be blocked from the internet.

I too agree with net neutrality and think "internet intermediaries"
shouldn't make much content based decisions, outside of that needed to
maintain service.

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